
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Omraneya Follow Up : The Day After The Storm

Ok I have not published any follow up about yesterday’s sorrowful events in order to have a comprehensive report of all reactions and updates .

First of all there is unconfirmed that another Christian died today from his injury, again there is no confirmation especially according to the ministry of health all the injured were released today from the hospitals. The latest injured numbers were 35 according to the ministry of health.

There are about 156 detainees who are facing charges similar to the charges . Those 156 will be detained for the next 15 days for prosecution office questioning. In the first violation of law the lawyers of the detainees were not allowed to attend the prosecution office questioning with their clients or even to represent them if I were not mistaken. 

The detainees are facing the following : assault of central security force troops, attempted murder of an Omraneya police station officer,attempted murder of assistant head of Giza security,criminal damage of a central security forces vehicle, theft of a central security forces vehicle battery, illegal assembly, causing a disturbance, use of illegal weapons, failure to carry personal identity documents, throwing stones at police cars and pedestrians, deliberate destruction of buildings for a terrorist objective, blocking traffic, possession and use of explosives and disturbing public security !!

You read more about this in Sarah Carr’s comprehensive report in Daily News Egypt. A group of activists ,human rights organizations and NGOs held a small protest in front of the general attorney office where they chanted anti-regime unity slogans like “Muslim or Christian we are all humiliated”

Second of all 19 years old construction worker Makarios Gad has been buried today in his hometown in Sohag under huge security presence and strangely most of mainstream media outlets and newspapers did not mention his name like for instance in the news night talk show spoke about the riots and him without mentioning his name !! Already some regime media outlets claim that he died because of a stone not because of a bullet !! There is a video circulating online allegedly for Makarios after being shot.’Warning : graphic content’

Late Makarios before his death

Most newspapers are adopting the official MOI version and this makes me miss the old original printed Dostor. Ibrahim Eissa wrote a wonderful commentary on the incident of yesterday opening his fire on everyone. It is a must read.

Third Pope Shnouda III has issued an official statement condemning the Giza governorate and the security aka MOI’s practices holding them as accountable for the violence.

The governorate wants to demolish the church with a bulldozer and  these are Upper Egyptians , they should understand the nature of the people and how to deal with them.

Yesterday I saw a picture for the MOI thugs “can be identified now so easily” burning the cross and I know how I will be angry just like the Christians from Upper Egypt who were watching that scene yesterday if it is the Holy Quran.

The NDP from its side knows the price it will pay next Sunday “as if they will not change the results” , the NDPians are defending the party blaming the governorate but in vain.

The Police or rather the regime is playing a dirty game turning in to a sectarian issue and trying to portray it as clashes between Muslims and Christians civilians despite the clashes were between the security forces and the Christian civilians , the Muslim civilians were either helping the Christians or watching !!

Up till now the blame game has been played very between the government and the church with no respect to the 19 years young man who is killed or the people injured or the nation being torn in front of our eyes.

According to eye witnesses there are huge security area in Shubra where there is a huge Christian population.

1 comment:

  1. Is dostor down? I can't access the uk looks like DoS attack not ISP block. looks like they have killed bastards


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