
Friday, November 19, 2010

The Valley of The Wolves : Palestine Edition

The Turkish wolves are still angry from Israel and they are just reflecting the public and official anger from what had happened in the Gaza flotilla. For the second time the popular series “The valley of the wolves” targets Israel after creating a diplomatic crisis earlier this year between the two countries.It seems that the makers of the franchise decided to escalate the confrontation by producing “The valley of the Wolves : Palestine” the movie.

The new film is taking the Flotilla incident as a starting point. For sure the Turks will not forget those people who were killed on the Flotilla after all I believe these innocent Turks were the First from Turkey to be killed with Israeli fire since 1948 because of Palestine

This is not the first time this series discusses regional politics and causes stir , we all remember howThe Valley of the Wolves : Iraq came and caused international stir then earlier

You can watch the trailer of the film in three language : Turkish, English and Arabic “I like the Arab League flag , first time to see someone using it like that”.

Now speaking seriously about the film from artistic views , I believe despite the good intention , despite the huge production and despite the real Turkish sincere anger the film is full of clichés  based on the trailer, terrible clichés. Muard/Polat’s iconic words { We did not come to Israel , We come to Palestine} reminded me with Karim Abdel Aziz’s iconic words in “ The cousins” after kicking bunch of Israeli butts  { We will come back} Mercy !!

Oh yes we have been there from long time !!


  1. I won't comment robbed trailer theme, but I just hope we will once see

    “The valley of the Wolves : Armenia"
    “The valley of the Wolves : Kurdistan”
    “The valley of the Wolves : Cyprus”

    or some historical
    “The valley of the Wolves : Constantinople”
    “The valley of the Wolves : Vienna”

  2. I agree with all you have said, though i want to add that they were not the first ones to be killed by the israeli government. Some turkish extreme islamists did go to palestine to fight for their freedom. I dont have info about this, but logically some of them got martyred trying to save palestine.


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