
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cablegate And 9/11 : These Are Cables After All

Some believe that the Cablegate and Wikileaks are actually big set up by the United States or by Israel or by certain group in the States. “ The right says the left and the left says the right”

Some believe so because the Cables do not contain anything about 9/11.

Those who are waiting the truth about 9/11 in the cables should understand that they will not find none for two good reasons :

  1. These are cables from the U.S embassies to Washington D.C about foreign countries, these are not cables from Washington D.C telling them about how things were in the homeland and how 9/11 took place.
  2. These are embassies’ cables not CIA stations cables. “According to the 9/11 theorists a faction in the CIA is behind it , not all of it so logically there are people inside the American government who do not know about the plan so how on earth a diplomat in Baku knows about in advance or later”

You can find something related directly to 9/11 and its conspiracy theories in the cables of the foreign embassies to their homeland countries like the Russian embassy and the Chinese embassy.

There is nothing new in the cables for God sake people , it is just diplomatic reports from American perspective sent to the homeland. There is not a single embassy in the world that does not do this.

There are many questions about the Wikileaks and cables but they are more logic than 9/11 conspiracy theories.

By the way not all those who believe in the official  American story of 9/11 are traitors despite all the question marks surrounding the event that changed the world for good. Robert Fisk believes in the official story , does that make him traitor and agent to the U.S administration !!?  I am not defending Julian Assange who got too many fans to defend him ,  I just want us to restore logic again when we deal with something like the Wikileaks.

FYI sometimes regimes use the conspiracy theory game to spread or enforce some idea or discredit someone or something.

1 comment:

  1. "Those who are waiting the truth about 9/11 in the cables should understand that they will not find none for two good reasons : "

    3. There's no reason for American diplomats to be discussing who did 9/11. America has known who did it since the beginning. The only people in the world confused about it are a few "fire doesn't melt steel" idiots.


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