
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Elections Aftermath : The Circus Is Not Over Yet

The parliamentary elections circus is not over yet and nobody knows when it will be over especially with Al Wafd and MB’s decision to boycott the election and the court order to invalidate the elections in Alexandria , yes in the whole governorate.
The second round from the elections will be held tomorrow and we are all expecting that despite the decision of Al Wafd and MB we will find them scoring seats in the parliament this year as an attempt from the NDP regime to seduce them in a very silly way.
There is no doubt that this election is among the worst elections we have ever had since we started our parliamentary life in the 19th century , this is the least thing can be said about the elections where the ruling party wins about 95% of the seats in the parliament in the first round !!

The map of partisan life is already being changed in front of our eyes , the Neo-Wafd may have survived the ghost of spilt but the old Tagammu may not survive it as result of this election. The Tagammu leader Rafaat El-Said who is considered as unregistered leftist NDP member is facing a huge opposition from the party’s members that demand a withdrawal from the parliament. El-Said refused to withdraw and used security to stop the members from entering the party yesterday. The angry members are planning to have the New left party. The Tagammu has been one of the oldest leftist parties in the country since the return of the parties in 1970s.
Boldly enough NDP’s Safwat Al Sherif stood in front of the cameras telling the world that it was not important to have opposition in the parliament but it was important to have a parliament that represented the people !! The 10% of 50% of the 80 million !!
This was the NDP’s reaction and according to it you can guess how the NDP fires back. Actually based on the facial expressions of the NDP leaders and spokespersons in the media , they know the trouble they are facing very well. They know that whole world is watching and does not like what they have done but still the world is not that interested, just compare the world elections to the Iranian elections to the Egyptian elections "people were killed too" and you know how much biased the world or rather the west world is so. The State department issued a statement where it expressed its concern as usual as expected towards what happened in the elections first round.The ministry of foreign affairs fired back as usual , long live the fake sovereignty !!
The aftermath of the elections foretells that we are going to have one hell of year till the presidential elections.

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