
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

MB and Al Wafd To Boycott The Parliament

The Muslim brotherhood has announced from couple of hours ago its withdrawal from the parliamentary elections 2010 altogether. The brotherhood has not scored a single seat in the first round. The Shura council of brotherhood voted on the withdrawal today.
The Wafd party has also announced from couple of hours ago its withdrawal from the parliament and the parliamentary elections altogether. The Wafd  party has already scored 2 seats. A Wafd member in the Shura council “Bahaa Abu Shuka” has announced his resignation from the Shura council too.
The Wafd said that it is rethinking its decision as expected. This can be a blackmail attempt to the regime not a true objection on what happened in the last Sunday.
The thing is that Mubarak needs some kind of competition in the Presidential elections next year 2011, Al Wafd could give him some sort of fake competition to beautify the elections.
Now there is confusion because we got a video message from Siyad El-Badawy , the chairman of Wafd announcing the party's withdrawal from the Parliament altogether. You can watch the video below.

There are also members from the party like Mustafa El-Genndy and Mohamed Shardi who insisted that the party has withdrawn from the parliament altogether but Safwat Al Sharif is insisting that this s not a final decision !!
Dr. ElBaradei has commented on this important update in the parliament :
Boycotting election runoff & withdrawal of independent & opposition winners :another opportunity to expose brazen dictatorship & for change
If the Wafd and MB truly withdraw for real, this will create a problem for NDP.
Here is the video of the MB's guide declaring the withdrawal of the brotherhood , of course officially it does not matter with the NDP because it is a banned group.

  • The progressive unionist party announced that it will consider the decision to withdraw from the elections and the parliament and will announce it next Thursday.Already 75 leading members of the famous old leftist party announced their resignation for what they consider as a plot between the NDP and the chairman of the party Rafaat El-Said. 


  1. و ده اول إنجاز حقيقي للحزب الوطني
    انه استطاع توحيد المعارضة اللي مش عايزة تتوحد
    الحزب الوطني بغبائه خلاهم كلهم بره المجلس مع بعض أخيرا مع بعض

    انا بس مش فاهم كان الحزب الوطني هايخسر ايه لو كان ساب ٤٠ كرسي للإخوان وزيهم للوفد
    لكن نعمل ايه في الغباء السياسي بتاع الحزب الوطني

    علي العموم كده احسن
    الطبخة خلصت والسكة للإصلاح لازم تعدي علي البرادعي
    مفيش غيره هو اللي حايجيب الحزب الوطني الارض

    Egyptian in USA


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