
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Third Khaled Said in Alexandria

Mustafa Atia 
I do not understand what is the matter with the police in Alexandria , here we are in front of another case of police brutality that led to murder in the middle of the street in front of the people in less than 6 months after Khaled Said murder !!
Just earlier yesterday “Tuesday 8,December 2010” 39 years old  Mustafa Atia El-Siyad was allegedly being attacked ,dragged and beaten till death by two undercover agents following Mina El-Basel police station.Atia is married and has got 3 kids , his biggest son is 4 years old !!
Atia had one legal problem , he did not pay some debt to some bank and the bank had got a court order against him. Atia paid the debt and reconciled with the bank from two days ago !! Even if these agents did not know that Atia reconciled with the bank , they had no right to treat like that not to mention to kill him. There is no doubt that the worst kind of sadistic personalities are being recruited as agents and informers in police , otherwise how can you explain Khaled Said , Ahmed Shaaban and Mustafa Atia !!??
According to sources in Alex the police has detained the eye witnesses who saw the incident who appeared later in front of prosecution office saying that Atia suddenly died for no reason while walking in the street !! 
The police does not want to let Atia’s family in to the morgue according to sources in Alex.
Mohamed Atia’s nephew’s mobile phone is 0120345729 if you are journalist and want to know more details about the incident. I found that number in that leftist Facebook group.
This happened in less than a month of Ahmed Shaaban’s incident !!
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