
Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Does Zenawi want !!??

Zenawi "Reuters"
Despite we are busy in the Parliamentary elections of 2010 , we all followed with huge attention the statements or rather the war of words Ethiopian PM Zenawi launched against Egypt and the usual weak reaction of Cairo. To be honest I was surprised because at the same week Zenwai launched his war of the words , a delegation from the Ethiopian Church visited the Egyptian Saint Mark orthodox Church in a very rare incident. The Ethiopian church used to follow the Coptic Church of Alexandria till 1948. Also there was that successful trip for Egyptian physicians there where they presented medical aid to the Ethiopian in cooperation with the ministry of health.
We know very well that the war option is actually not option now ,we are not in the 1970s when President Sadat threatened Ethiopia with military action despite the fact that Nasser was the one who started the covert operations game . Already lots of people do not know how that threat came or why. Of course the Nasserites are blaming the Sadat for that as if Mubarak has not stayed longer than both Nasser and Sadat together.

The red Mengistu as late Sadat used to call him was a bloody dictator that was supported  by the Soviet Union and the West could not stomach him. The West or rather the United States led something in 1975 called “The Safari Club” whose other members were Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Iran , Kenya and Morocco. That club was launching covert operations against communist bloc countries in Africa especially Ethiopia.
In 1979 speech Mengistu as a respectable traditional dictator used visual effects , he brought in front of him two bottles allegedly full of blood and broke them. Those two bottles had labels with the names of “Saudi Arabia and Egypt”. later he began his blackmail over the Nile water.  In a response to that action Sadat waved the military solution flag.
I am waiting for the American cables from that period.
By the way Mengistu had relations with Israel , the tip of the ice berg of these relations was the migration of Beta Israel to Israel.
President Mubarak in his rare statements to Al Jazeera denied any support to any rebel group in the country in the . The ministry of foreign affairs fired back in a very poor diplomatic way if I may say. 
Zenawi is not that great leader by the world , he is considered from the worst dictators in the world , even Parade magazine chose him before Mubarak in its 2009 worst dictators of the world list. Being A Class dictator makes me believe that this anti-Egyptian campaign is fake crusade to gain popularity among his country people , we have seen this over and over in Egypt and in the Arab region so I will not be shocked to know that.
Theoretically speaking Zenawi should not accuse our regime with rebel support when he has a support from Israel , he started that game and it is natural thing that the enemy of my enemy is my friend , again this is theoretically speaking.
Of course at the time Zenawi is attacking Egypt and is lobbying other African countries against us , minister Allam is busy in his elections.
FYI Egyptian investments in Ethiopia are concerned with Zenawi’s statement and no one can blame them. Before someone ask “as I expect” why Egypt does not invest more in Ethiopia or in Africa then he or she must understand that we are not a Gulf nation, 40% of our live under the poverty line and we are trying to attract FDI ourselves.
By the way Mubarak has received the Eritrean president today.

1 comment:

  1. Have you spoken to any member of the Ethiopian opposition?

    They also oppose the 1959 Agreement and Egypt's time delay tactics on the Nile Basin...

    Have you been to Addis Abeba university and spoken to people there?


    Prime Minister Zenawi is expressing the will of the Ethiopian people in this regard.

    It is really immaterial who started covert operations aimed at de-stabilising Ethiopia - it was Nasser of course...

    And how can you blame Ethiopia for having relations with Israel when this is the path that Sadat chose for Egypt..?

    Wikileaks say that Egypt supports Sharif Sheikh Ahmad but it wants Aweys who is in Eritrea's pocket and has the potential to stir up Somalis in Ethiopia to join forces with the Somali Transitional Government.

    Is this not covert and destabilising to Ethiopia?

    Trying to trivialise Zenawi's statements by sullying his democratic credentials is off-point and will get you no where.

    Zenawi is the closest Ethiopia has ever come to democratic governance - when compared to Haile Selassie or Mengistu - and the economy is doing very well.

    By sending the Ethiopian Orthodox delegation he is trying to say that his conflict is with the Egyptian regime and not important components of the social fabric.

    And for the love of God you cannot buy peoples' admiration by sending doctors or setting up clinics when they have clear 'political grievances' that need honest and respectful dialogue.

    President Mubarak gave the example of a clinic in South Sudan as an example of Egypt's 'involvement' in the region...with all due respect that's poppycock.


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