
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Is The U.S Afraid Of Mubarak’s Regime !!?

The Washington Post has published today a very nice editorial where it asks a very interesting question : Why is the U.S afraid of Egypt !?
Of course the correct the question should be “Why is the U.S afraid of Mubarak’s regime?”  and the simple answer will be “because the U.S administration needs the Mubarak regime despite all its flaws and fiascos.”
Again and again the States wants and does not want the Mubarak regime, it wants that corrupted regime because it is the best friend for Israel now in the region aside being one of its main allies still it does not want to be associated with a corrupted dictator regime like the Mubaraks’. Aside from the public and international criticism as Egypt receives annually billions of dollars as aide , the U.S fears that it will lose Egypt in some big public revolution.
If a revolution in Egypt takes place in Egypt , it may bring a democratic regime that really represents the Egyptian people and serves their best interest.Our best interest may not be “and it is not actually the best interest of Israel before America”. Again having a democratic regime in Egypt does not win a war with Israel , this is a stupid myth just like the myth that without Mubarak regime , the Islamist will take over !!
It is not a fear relation more about a benefit relation.


  1. The US understands that there is no war or peace without Egypt's participation.
    The Canadian.

  2. Egypt should perish along with the other Zionist cancer in the region.

  3. @Jameelamoa: what a hateful person. Well, let me tell you this, Egypt has been there and will always be there. Egypt has been there even when your own country didnt have a name or know civilisation. So, take your hatred and let it eat into you.


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