
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why Will Egypt Miss The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony !?

Why will Egypt miss the Nobel peace prize ceremony  !!?? Why will Egypt boycott this very important ceremony !!?

I can’t find a good reason for the Egyptian regime to do this !! I understand why China will boycott the ceremony after all the winner “Liu Xiaobo” is from its top political dissidents but I do not understand why Egypt and other Arab countries will boycott the ceremony !!

Not only Egypt will boycott but also Arab and Muslim countries : Tunisia , Saudi Arabia , Iraq, Sudan, Morocco, Kazakhstan,Pakistan,Iran and Afghanistan !!

Of course the common factors between these countries other being Arab and Muslim countries is that they all love to crack opposition and have bad human rights record

With my all respect is not this the Chinese regime which prosecutes the Muslim minority there !!?? Is not this the Chinese regime which helps Ethiopia in building dams on the Nile along with the Italians !??



  1. Sudan's absence will not be felt by anyone.

    After all Sudan's attempt at fielding the late, great giant of African and Arabic literature Al-Tayyib Saleh for the Nobel Prize in Literature for his great literary work (one of the best in the 20th Century as voted for by his international contemporaries and which is better known in Morocco and Germany than Egypt) 'Season of Migration to the North' was scuppered by Sudan's 'brotherly' neighbouring country.

    Sudanese commentator

  2. I beg to differ about Al-Tayyib Saleh in Egypt , we know him just like in Morocco and Germany. Since my childhood I had always read about him and his work in Al Ahram and Al Akhbar
    His book "Season of migration to the North" was always mentioned in our media.

  3. How old are you?
    And when was Season of Migration to the North published..?

    The largest public park in Morocco was named 'Al-Tayyib Saleh' park in his honour after his passing.

    And in Germany 'Season of Migration' is taught as part of the International literature syllabus.

    And 'even in Lebanon' 'Domat wad Hamid' is taught as part of the syllabus.

    Are any of his works taught in Egypt..?

    I'm sure you would agree that there is a big difference between reading 'about' an acclaimed literary giant in the newspapers and knowing and recognising his works...

    There was a 'clear' and 'contrived' rivalry by some of those in Egypt between Saleh and Mahfouz and a successful attempt (in Egypt) to eclipse Saleh with Mahfouz.

    This is what the former Saudi Minister of Culture wrote about him after his death:

    What did the Egyptian Minister of Culture (who's never visited Sudan) write?

    He was only recognised by Egypt's academics in the autumn of his life.

    Sudanese commentator

  4. My dear Sudanese commentator , there is no rivalry except in your own mind.
    Please stick to the topic of the post.

  5. @Sudanese Commentator: God bless the souls of both writers. I never get why among so-called brothers there has to be an either or. We had 2 amazing writers, both had their works recognised World Wide so, why the usual he was better no the other one was better? For you to believe that Egypt can alter the decision of Nobel Committee is silly. So, you are angry bec we had another writer who got the prize, why didnt he get it in the next yrs then? and bec we didnt name a park or smthng after him, how many local talents or even other regional talents you see have their names on parks and roads in Egypt, this is the time for naming things after the president ect, sad but the truth and how did you knw all of us dnt knw his work and his work isnt taught at all?
    Enough w the usual conspiracy theory based, hateful, lets blame Egypt broken records we keep on getting from comments claimed to be by Sudanese. Z, how come your blog only attracts these?!

  6. @ Anonymous - Amen.

    Do you think that the knowledge, understanding and recognition by Egypt (at the official and popular levels) of all things Sudanese matches up to the 'brotherly' term you described us with?

    I'm telling you 'our' perspective and the empirical evidence suggest that it is not.

    Our literary greats are better known in other Arabic speaking countries and in non-Arabic speaking countries - than in Egypt...

    I'm not angry that Naguib got the Nobel prize - I read and enjoyed a number of his novels and recently recommended 'Children of our Alley' to an Irish friend who wanted to books in the international literature genre... Pretty hateful, eh?

    There is a chauvinism about Egypt that sees that nothing that cannot be traced back to Egypt is worth acknowledging...

    How come her blog attracts us?

    Sorry for not being meek, emasculated, sweet, bumbling, dizzy and rough around the edges - just like how your media depicts us (no need for the black-face though, we're all different shades of brown).


    The rivalry and dirty games have always been at play at many international arenas dating back to the way the Royal Egyptian delegation mistreated the delegation of Sudanese noblemen at the coronation of King George VI (but I admittedly really digress here - those weren't real 'Egyptians' yada-yada).

    OK evidence of rivalry and dirty games:

    Nasser's support of the first military administration in order to push through the 1959 Agreement which is a win for Egypt and a loss for Sudan - and we are all witnessing its serious repurcussions,

    The conflict over the leadership of the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development

    The Fate of the Nile Basin Initiative after May 14th.2010
    By Professor Ali Abdalla Ali,35074

    Also another Sudanese commentator brought to my mind your reference to a Sudanese man who has a book on amazon which erroneously depicts Halayeb as being part of Egypt.

    And you mentioned that Egypt opposed his candidacy to a senior post at UNESCO.

    So the rivalry does exist.

    And the racism in the insulting black-face also exists.

    And the hypocrisy of being selective about victims of undue incarceration and torture - according to nationality - Syrians, Palestinians and Egyptians merit mention but not Sudanese from Halayeb campaigning for the liberation of their land...also exists.

    You refused to acknowledge the racism of black-face that is prevalent in Egypt's media - until an 'Egyptian man' who is married to a black woman confirmed it...

    And you refuse to acknowledge the fate of the Sudanese political detainees from Halayeb - two of whom have died under torture.

    And we will exercise our right to express our concerns.

    And as my friend has said before - if you don't like our posts - censor us.

    Sudanese commentator

  7. Sudanese Optimist12/08/2010 09:50:00 AM

    How do we know his work isn't taught?

    A survey was conducted not too long ago by Sudanese researchers into Egypt's educational syllabus with a focus on history and literature - looking at how Sudan is dealt with.

    There were glaring and obvious issues with how Muhammad Ali's invasion was portrayed and how the Mahdiyyah was glossed over - and it was found (unsurprisingly) that no Sudanese literature was taught.


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