
Thursday, January 27, 2011

#Jan25 : Protests in Sallum

Just like any city in Egypt now boiling with anger , the situation in Sallum  , Marsa Matrouh has exploded. Protests have started from couple of hours in the border city. The situation is not good as we are not speaking but mutual fire , the security forces are reportedly using live ammunition not even tear gas grenades.
The angry locals have managed to encircled the police station there and set tires on fires in the highways. The people there have set the State security HQ on fire along the police station.
The people of Sallum have been suffering economically since the closure of Sallum land port with Libya.
There is no real development for Sallum just like in Sinai.
I am concerned because the media is ignoring Sallum as a border city and as not to add more oil on the fire currently in Egypt. People will be encouraged more when they see protests all over the country.
As we are near from Libya , I should not forget mentioning what Gaddafi said from having confidence in Mubarak and the Egyptian society’s stability !!
I do not know if we should be ready for his next speech to the Egyptian people our what !!
The story is developing.


  1. Ask why Morocco is not having these protests. The King is very friendly with Israel. Ask why Egypt is being wrecked? Israel sees Egypt as its main enemy. The French Revolution was a Masonic-Jewish affair.

  2. That's a very strange theory you have there, Anon. Israel doesn't have that much influence and besides, would Israel really prefer an Islamic Government in Egypt, however democratic? In fact, why would Israel want any democratic Government in the region, to spoil their number one war cry: we're the only democracy?

  3. That's a very strange comment Anon. You understanding of the French revolution is so wrong, I advise you to get your head out of the conspiracy theory books and read real books.

    Egypt's uprising is led by the people, it has nothing to do with Egypt's relationship with Israel. Do you honestly think the Moroccan people are happy living in a corrupt country? Are the people of Western Sahara just protesting because they are enemies of Israel? What about the Moroccan university students who protest in 2008?

    The people in Egypt are frustrated with Mubarak's dictatorship, Israel or no Israel. Today Egypt, tomorrow Morrocco. I hope you know which side of the revolution you stand.


  4. For Israel, any or every Arab or Muslim anywhere in the world is considered an enemy full stop.

  5. "The French Revolution was a Masonic-Jewish affair", so simple to say it like that, a revolution is not a plot.
    French revolution was most a question of money ,taxes,and struggle for power.A revolution bourgeoise, against the noblility systeme.
    It Had been allowed by the liberal ideas of humanist philosoph and macons.

  6. The new government appointed by Mubarrak is looking to please the US who thretenned to reconsider the aid package which is a military package hence the army must bee seen to be helping the people. so the reshuffle does not respond to the demands of the people, its about the US. Secondly, I am not sure the army is honest with the people, I suspect all the reports about looting, and the withdrawl of the security forces etc.. are tactics spread fear leaving the army on the streets and the army does not want to show its action contrary to what the Tunisian army experience has shown which is honesty and siding with the people.
    I tend to watch the army very closely and by the way the looting stuff is fabricated, its a copycat of what took place in Tunis. Please keep going and be focussed on your freedom.

  7. I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.

  8. I'd like to point out that many American citizens working in and for Egypt have been abandoned to their fate. My fiancé works as a nurse in Alexandria and cannot get to Cairo airport to be rescued due to the fighting. No provision has been made to assist those living outside of Cairo and she is barricaded in her house with several young children, suffering the effects of tear gas, lack of water, food and electricity and the attention of looters.
    I finally contacted her online yesterday as she was preparing for another attack and then the connection was lost. Egypt doesn't deserve to have humanitarian workers like her in their midst. If she ever manages to escape; she'll not be returning.

  9. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
    Tricycle Disabled
    Keep Posting:)


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