
Friday, March 25, 2011

First time and hopefully last Time

What happened last night at Cairo university can’t be ignored or passed so easily and I think it is our responsibility and the responsibility of the mainstream media before us when it let what happened at the Egyptian museum pass in that disgraceful way.
Now the mainstream media speaks about how the military police attacked the students and professors at the faculty of mass communication, Cairo university during their legal strike inside campus because simply but it totally ignored what happened at Tahrir and Egyptian museum. The whole world is speaking about the virginity tests and our media does not dare to speak about it despite their silence is harming the image of the Egyptian army's abroad. 
Egyptian writer Belal Fadl presented a file with these violations to the prime minister who presented to the AFC and last night we heard on TV some anonymous army commander speaking that these were individual cases !! Individual cases right after what happened at Mass comm. !!?
The students and the professors can't take any more from that NDP dean Sami Abdel Aziz and they want him to resign. Sami Abdel Aziz attacked the revolution in his column in Rosa Al Youssef ,oh yes he writes in Rosa Daily , this gives you an idea on what we deal with here. He also was among the team of Hosni Mubarak presidential campaign in 2005. Sami Abdel Aziz refuses to step down and claims that he presented his resignation to the administration of the university but it was rejected. !! The students have been protesting since the re-opening of the university , they do not want him for his hypocrisy. They had a strike for couple of days then to force him to resign. Suddenly yesterday we found the military police stormed the Cairo university campus to end the strike by force. The military police arrested university professors and students , it attacked the students using their electric shock weapons against them !!?
Here are videos  from that terrible night from El-Badil Newspaper 

Some sources speak about pressure from minister of higher education Amr Salama on Abdel Aziz to resign in the coming hours.
For the first time in the history of Cairo university the Egyptian army’s military police enters its campus and unfortunately when it entered the campus it was not celebrating any thing but rather protecting corrupted personalities and attacking students and professors !!
Sources from AFC said that they will investigate the matter and will make sure that it will not happen again !!? Already it happened again , it is not the first time it happened. It happened before at the museum.
We will not make from the army another idol , the last time the army was turned in to an idol we had a terrible defeat in 1967
I respect my army and I know most of its officers refuse and are against these irresponsible disgusting actions and I swear to God I know how much pressure the AFC is facing now but they have to help us so we can help them. They have to trust us in order we have to trust them.
The AFC will win a lot if it officially apologizes for its actions in the university  and what happened at the museum. 


  1. Respect your army?? I am pretty sure the young women who got finger-fucked respect your army too.

    What a hypocrite you are becoming and what a useless blog this is turning into.

  2. Yes I do respect my army , my army is the not the army of those who did that virginity test , my army is the army of Saad El-Din El-Shazly , the army of Shoman , the army of Maged Bollus.
    My dear this blog used to speak about stuff nobody dared to speak about whether in Arab or in English in Egypt media regarding Mubarak and the army itself.

  3. "Your" army doesn't exist any more, this is an army that tortures and rapes civilians, an army that chases down peaceful prtesters with cattle pods. An army that has no respect for women. The army of alShazly is only in your imagination

    "this blog USED TO speak.."
    my point exactly

  4. @Z
    Nasser the megalomaniac, Sadat the Pharaoh and Mubarak the thief are all the byproducts of your beloved Egyptian Army.
    Keep loving the army, because you seem to enjoy misery.

  5. Z, with due respect to you, I know you love your army but the army we are talking is not the army you mentioned above it is the army of Marshall Tantawy! I have respect for the lower rank officers who didnt follow the instruction of the top rank when they ordered them to kill the peace protesters at Medan Tahrir and that led to mubarak stepping down but believe me no army officers and the lower rank will do anything without orders from top rank and we know army is strict and very discipline. Believe me the AFC knows what is going on down there. we read confession made by some of your arrested bloggers that the mubarak pictures are still hanging at their offices, buildings and jails and they even confess their loyal to mubarak even though he already gone! and now the AFC has issued a law prohibiting demonstrations or strikes. this is not democratic to silence and forbid people from demonstrating. Democracy means people have the right to express themselves. Even the law is not cleared.

    As am typing this the news about the army 'virginity test' is on CNN and also showing the back of the Medan Tahrir Square singer Ramy body which was marked with tortured from the army while he was in jailed. He even described like being in hell. this is done by the army!

    The army need to learn to respect the citizen rights and not to violate it just because the army is in power right now! it is really a shame that we thought once mubarak is gone Egypt will be free but it seems that freedom is still long way to go and i suggest Egyptians continue to fight peacefully for their rights.

    p/s: if AFC really respect the people, they need not only apologize but they should release all peaceful protesters detainees in jailed right now and punish those military police and its officers who committed this crime.

  6. @Zenobia

    What you seem not to see, is that the army of Egypt, which WAS the army of Saad ELShazly is not anymore.
    I used to laugh when listening to people who defended the army, but now I am deeply sad.
    The army is the true head of the hydra in the corrupted system that has been governing Egypt since Gamal AbdelNasser.

    People talk about the corruption of police, they should investigate a little what the army does.

    The military institution is the most corrupted, unfair and antidemocratic institution that exists in Egypt. It is a hole of hypocrisy, and people still follow them.

    The referendum was only a prelude of what will happen next. I hope that everybody become aware of the gravity of the situation. The army shall not govern at all, they shall go back to caserns.

    I once heard a proverb that says: a day of chaos is worse than 100 years of tyranny. I hope that one day I will not regret Mubarak's days.

  7. @Anonymous
    One may disagree with Zeinobia for sure, but don't you think it is rather ironic that you don't even have the guts to show who you are when you are attacking a blogger?

    I think sadly Sakrquraysh might be right when saying:
    "The army is the true head of the hydra in the corrupted system that has been governing Egypt since Gamal AbdelNasser." Or to put the picture into the correct mythical context:

    The ACF is one of the heads of the hydra also known as the "Autocratic Egyptian State". Nasser was the first, but many smaller and bigger heads followed. The biggest one right now seems to be Tantawy.

  8. @Moritz What do you mean I don't have the guts? I don't have a google account, I am not a blogger 'celebrity'.,, I'm a nobody..My name is Ibrahim if that makes any difference?!, I am an Egyptian citizen and I think this is enough
    I am not attacking her, I want her to wake up from her slumber.. she's not even concerned about those who were tortured and those brave women who were determined to fight to the end but the only thing she is worried about is her army's image abroad!

  9. Next time I add a comment I will make sure to attach my resume..

  10. cool blog, glad you speak english so good

  11. @Anonymous
    In this blog Zeinobia critizes harshly the actions of the army officers at Tahrir and the Egyptian Museum. To call her hypocritical is ridiculous and unfair. Anyone following her blogs can see her engagement and her blogs are anything else but "useless". I am as angry about the atrocities of the army as anyone, by the way as Zeinobia is obviously too or she would not write about it in such clear terms. But that there is not only one army in existence is definite. Or many things in contrary to those atrocities would not have been possible. The army must get its act together. As Zeinobia says quite rightly: If the AFC wants the peoples trust it must act accordingly. To say that out loud is anything but hypocritcal - it is the only sensible thing to demand. To question her sincerity because one is very understandably enraged at the actions of army officers is simply unfair. I hate what they do just as much as you do, but you are attacking the messanger. And that is never wise nor fair.

    Your p/s is of course absolutely correct:
    "p/s: if AFC really respect the people, they need not only apologize but they should release all peaceful protesters detainees in jailed right now and punish those military police and its officers who committed this crime."

    Spot on. Nothing less can be acceptable.

  12. The army is a disgrace to Egypt. Anybody doing so called "virginity tests" should be held to account and be punished severely. If the army is not checked and balanced, its corrupt officers will destroy Egypt once again. It makes me furious when I read about this disgrace of an army and its day to day abuses.

  13. dont think that a civilized democratic society can be achieved in egypt in under 50years, the backward and uneducated majority will destroy this country with their votes, most of the liberals like zeinoba who spent so much of their time attacking mubaraks regime will be the ones dreaming of a return to his rule. at least the streets were the safest in the world. BETTER THE DEVIL YOU KNOW!

    hatendamo bgad

    i want you zeinoba to read this comment again on 25/3/2012, then it will be clear to you but it will be too late

  14. jemilu said...

    In this blog Zeinobia critizes harshly the actions of the army officers at Tahrir and the Egyptian Museum. To call her hypocritical is ridiculous and unfair.

    Again,just like Zeinobia you are trying to exculpate the Army from any wrong doing- perhaps inadvertently, you try to convince us(or perhaps yourselves) that these are actions of certain officers and soldiers and not a policy of torture encouraged by the establishment itself.. "individual incidents"??(where have I heard that before?)
    In fact I am more inclined to believe "individual incidients" in an argument defending police practises but not when it comes to the army, a military personnel will not even stand or sit without a direct order follwoing the chain of command.
    Why is she becoming hypocritical? because after all what has been said and done, she has made sure to let us know that the revered army-as an establishment- should not be blamed and must always be respected regardless of whatever it'ss doing..those can only be "individual incidents" of rogue officers acting out of their own sadistic personal interests. NO! THEY ARE NOT.. they are following strict and clear orders to torture the protests and to "humiliate" the women in those porotests. The fact that you still respect "your" army can only be interpreted that either you are becoming hypocritical or suffering from an immense delusion... in both cases, quite disgusting!


  15. Why have you blacked out Bahrain????????

  16. This is not Tunis, the army doesn't give two shits about the will of the Egyptian people. It only stepped in when they saw a threat to their US aid....they only stepped in when they realized the economy was going to collapse which they control 40% of more or less.

    Anan and Tantawi are Mubarak's bitches, they want to rush elections to prove to the whole world that Egyptians are nothing more than Islamists and the only way to control these "barbarians" is through autocractic rule. I don't undrstand why they wasted everybody's time with stageing those meeting with Sawris, Elbaradei and all the poltical forces if they were just gonna ignore their advice in the end.

    My uncle a former high-ranking army man himself told me that they would destroy any chance this country has at a real democracy. When the army were meet with cheers and celebration they realised "hey these people worship us, they'll do anything we'd ask them to" like the obedient drones the Egyptians are...they obliged.
    YES to referndum means stabilty...yes sir Mr.Army sir!

    Frankly Zeinobia this blog is starting to read like the rantings of a prepubescent girl.
    Dear diary...OMG! the generals were so dreamy on 10pm last night...I really trust them, so what that they were licking Mubarak's balls a few weeks ago people change... don't they?
    The only reason you mention the museum torturing now is because people criticized you for neglecting to comment on it. You have lost all credibility to me and evidently many of your readers.

  17. The egyptian revolution is in great danger to end up in a political situation similar or worst of what you had.. covered with a democratic mask.

    The position and silence of the Egyptian revolution for the NATO "humanitarian" attack in Libya is not a good sign

  18. This is getting truly out of hand. For one she never blacked out Bahrain. Whoever says such a thing never read one single tweet from her. Are you nuts?

    Secondly - Ibrahim - you are furious as hell at the army because they f... people up. But instead of punching them in the balls you go for her because you need an outlet. To me that is simply cowardice. If you want to voice your anger at the army, open a blog and spit it out. Every 'normal' person that you say you are can do that, it's free. And from your rantings here one can see that you are able to voice your anger. Whether your readers will like the tone on the long run remains to be seen. But at least you would have proved that you are more than just somenone attacking in the backstreets of a comment page but have actually something profound to say! Go ahead and stop taking it out on someone else.
    To say Z. is only taking up the Egyptian Museum now because people criticised her again proves that you have not read one single tweet from her. All the criticism there passes you by wholy but you pretend you know what she does and why. Wrong. When I tweeted the idea to call the Egyptian Museum the "Cairo Dungeon" because of what the army had done there - she was the first to retweet it to her followers. She wouldn't have done that if she was of such a low scum opinion that you try to pin on her. I'd advise you to really do research and only then start making comments, at least then the comments will be in line with reality. And while we are at it: Where do you get your proof for the remark, that Z. "lost all credibility to ... evidently many of your readers." Made a survey or making it up like the rest? It's simply rubbish.
    You are very personal in you attacks and that is unacceptable because it shows you lash out a her for other reasons. If you don't like her blog - well nobody, truly nobody forces you to read it. Write your own and read that. Should be just the dramatics that you feel you need.
    And to sum up: Nowhere in my comment can you find a single proof, that I am "trying to exculpate the Army from any wrong doing". Me! Who has again and again criticised the army for the torture and sexual abuses (as by the way has Z.). Ridiculous. But that again shows - you've got a thing with the army. Understandable. Well go and punch their balls if you dare instead of taking it out on some blog's comment page because there it is so easy and poses no risk. All you do is rant, but the situation you want changed you dare not touch with your own hands. Egypt is not getting better by that. Zeinobia on many occasions in the past took the risk of losing her neck, like many other brave bloggers. Now you come from your sofa and beat her up. Get your enemies sorted I'd say, or you will just play in those hands that you hate so much.

  19. And one more word to Ibrahim - who does not have to be anonymous by the way because in the profile you can easily choose "Name" as a normal person, nobody stopping you:

    Quote Zeinobia in the blog above regarding the virgin tests:
    "Egyptian writer Belal Fadl presented a file with these violations to the prime minister who presented to the AFC and last night we heard on TV some anonymous army commander speaking that these were individual cases !! Individual cases right after what happened at Mass comm. !!?"

    Your reaction:
    "you try to convince us(or perhaps yourselves) that these are actions of certain officers and soldiers and not a policy of torture encouraged by the establishment itself.. "individual incidents"??(where have I heard that before?)"

    Try work it out for yourself why your criticism just doesn't make sense to people who can read and think. (Hint: She doesn't believe in "individual incidents" and voices that strongly - you don't believe in "individual incidents" but pretend she does and bash out at her.) I'd say, work on it. There's evidently room still. Perhaps starting to really read her blog might come in helpful.

  20. that explains everything:

    by 'we' you mean? because you only speak for yourself when everyone since 25th had one demand which was to topple Mubarak and his cronies, 4 days before he started shooting, it wasn't because he killed people. What do you think the revolution was all about? minimum wage?Again please tell us what you voted yes for?don't bother.....

  21. Can some one(Jason?) make links in my previous comment clickable
    SSeriously, do you wet your knickers or somethingwhen you see a guy in uniform?

  22. if you ever come to Tahrir you deserve the Tamer Hosny treatment

  23. I agree, with all the comments, Zeinobia totally ignored all the demonstration that took place in front of the Egyptian TV building the night before Clinton's visit to Egypt, we all know that Mrs. Clinton went to Egypt and gave the so called beloved respected Army some hundred millions as a token of appreciation. Despite all the comments I left about the demonstrations Z didn't mention anything about it. Looks like she has her own agenda as well. Sadly, I'm loosing respect for the blog I thought was a dim light in the Media cave from Egypt.

  24. Dear anonymous , please check the first demands of January 25th in this blog or even at Khaled Said group before speaking about me in that way.
    Everybody in the Egyptian revolution knows that if Mubarak went on January 25th with the decisions he took from having a new cabinet or VP or the constitutional amendments even with that bloody parliament of his , we would not have been successful on January 28th till February 11th
    Anyonr will tell you that , otherwise you will be fooling yourself.
    The arrogance of Mubarak regime contributed a lot to this revolution , you can't deny that
    things would have been different. The ceiling of demands increased when people began to be killed , you can't deny that more people went to the streets and to Tahrir because of the people who were killed and his late provoking reactions.
    This is what I meant , if you want to change my words in to something else to satisfy some sort of idea you have in your mind because I disagree with you in how I look to the matters then it is your problem
    I do not hide anything whether in my blog and twitter

  25. You don't hide any thing in your blog but you do ignore certain comments and posts. Please, don't insult my intellegence!! I wonder if you're going to post this one now?

  26. @jemilu what rantings? I only have 4 comments on this page(the 1st and 2nd comment which are quite short and the reply to Mortiz and to you, I am not allowed to reply to you otherwise it will become a rant??), several comments you are referring to have been made by other people.. obviously others agree with me.
    I think I made myself clear and I have read the entry quite well, Zeinobia is excusing the army as an establishment hence it still deserves 'respect'. Do you think if Zeinobia was one of those girls who have been subjected to the torture and checks by the army, she would still respect the army? I don't think so. I am furious at the army but I am not taking it out on Zeinobia or have personal issues with her but it's very clear she's delusional about 'her' army, isn't a blog about sharing ideas and accepting criticism ? I can't really go bust the army and I don't live in Cairo for that matter but I am not as lame as to respect an establishment that violates women, even if I'm not related or know one of the woman, if I did.. for e.g if one of the victims was my girlfriend or my sister I would probably do something very stupid that gets me killed as a reaction but in any case out of respect to those brave girls I would not respect the army anymore even if I did respect them at some point. Of course as you have noted she's free to respect her army which is sad considering that she's a good blogger(or used to be) and now siding with the tyrants taking over the country

    Now look at my 4 comments..all made of few sentences and look at your last comment, who exactly is ranting?

    I don't have a website or URL

  27. Dear anonymous , please check the first demands of January 25th in this blog or even at Khaled Said group before speaking about me in that way.

    January 25th:
    الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
    What is the regime?not Mubarak?

    BTW I am not the person who published your twitter status but I would like to thank him or her.

  28. So what do you want to say you and the other anonymous commentators ?
    I am a traitor or what ? What are you trying to reach

  29. I'm not saying that you're a traitor, I'm saying you're not covering or ignoring certain incidents that are equally important which is lessening your credibility as an honest bloger.

  30. Well now I am not that honest as a blogger because you think I do not cover or ignore certain incidents , can you please me tell what incident I have ignored !!?
    What I can't cover here due time , I cover it on twitter and on google reader
    You are now accusing me of being less honest blogger based on your point of view.
    It is insulting being attacked in my honesty , if I were not honest I would not share these videos , I would not share this link from amnesty international whether here or on twitter.

  31. Looks like Amr Salama is staying put. Not only that, he is saying that the strike was disbanded in a "civilized" manner

  32. Those links lit up:

    Zeinobia's World Chronicles.

    Perfectionatic's link to a ShouroukNews article about Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Higher Education, regarding military police breaking up a student protest. Original Arabic or Google's English translation.

    My blog readers tell me that Amr Salama is completely unqualified for his position, and like many Mubarak appointees, he only has it by virtue of loyalty to the old regime. He is also a friend of Mohamed El Naschie. See Official confuses El Naschie for actual scientist for a picture of them together.

  33. Hello Zeinobia,
    This is the first time that I comment on your blog after more than 2 years of a daily read. Though I am a complete stranger, I am nonetheless an Egyptian brother and therefore I hope you don’t mind if I mention a few brief points on your behalf to Mr. Ibrahim who seems to me to be reacting violently unjustly to your opinions.
    First, with regard to Z’s piece mentioned above, she was not clearing the army of their responsibility in any way, and clearly asked the army to apologise for their vile actions towards the protesters, which is vital, as it would create a good precedent and deter both the higher and lower ranks from creating this situation once again. One has to be constructive notwithstanding the disgusting soldiers whom attacked the protesters.
    Second, in case you haven’t noticed, Z is a female of the species and it seems logical that she would feel even more bitter, speak up and defend her kind more so than yourself, in her own way.
    Third, that if you also haven’t noticed, the reason for toppling the regime in the first place was that the people called the army heroes and made them a part of the revolution, which is a common trait in Egyptians (el khobs’ el a good way of course). We all know that the army is part of the regime, although it was less politicised in the past, content with receiving the lion’s share of the economic benefits and inflated status (though it hasn’t actually won a war since the time of Khedive Ismail).
    Fourth, this is a blog that provides political commentary on a selection of events that the blogger finds newsworthy. If you want a 24/7 news program go to Reuters or Al Gazeera.
    Fifth, in our Egyptian culture, you do not doubt someone’s honesty just because you don’t agree with their opinion or measured response to an event. Also, one does not go to someone’s private residence (private blog in this case) and empty ones bladder on the carpet, especially in a young lady’s home.
    I hope I was articulate enough and I do recommend a more civilised discourse which we all need to abide by.
    Thanks and regards,

  34. Maybe I'm wrong, but the prevailing emotion among the young,liberal bloggers in Egypt is a deep disappointment with the army since the resignation of Mubarak. They are not honest brokers supervising the transition to democracy but just another self-serving group of people who have got used to power and money and don't want to give it up.
    This has been a rude wake-up call for the wide-eyed,well meaning optimists.
    I hope you write about this sometime. I think it would be a more honest approach.

  35. Z:

    You must know that the more your blog becomes famous the more extreme readers you will get and the more attacks you will receive. You will have to keep the excellent job.

    I agree with Omar that this blog although many of the readers are using it as 24/7 news source, is only run by a single blogger and it is impossible to have a compreshensive coverage by a single bloggers so be easy on Z!

  36. I agree with mark. The army has to be dealt accordingly, with without any illusions of their so-called "love" for the people

  37. Hey, I have managed to post! So I can post my comment from some days ago. Greetings from Germany, pu
    This blog is wonderful! If readers have different views, opinions or insights on logic argumentations or personal feelings (what is everybody´s right), please just keep it cool and try to discuss it without insulting! If we fight for people´s rights, we should not talk down our comrades.

    History tells: The role of armies in times of transition is never easy. The role of military even in normal states sometimes is not easy as well! It is mostly a question, how deep democratic structures are inside military itself and quite a lot of states have NO DEMOCRATIC STRUCTURES inside their armies at all! There Your voice is heard only if You belong to the upper floors and You are part of the regime! And then, Your interests are others, than those of the common soldiers or the common people. Look e.g. China + Russia!

    That questions on one hand, what "trade union" structures inside the military exist and give normal soldiers the possibility to stand up against bad treatments and have a fair investigation? Even in my country Germany, it is not so easy for a common soldier to speak against rude methods of training at home. And its very difficult, if You are a common soldier e.g. in the Afghan region.

    On the other hand a very important question is, what "public structures" exist to bring to public a n d discuss a n d change misbehavior of troops inside and outside their "homeland" against non military people?

    So it is understandable, that quite a lot of the protesters movement in Egypt gave their hope onto the Egyptian military. Whom else should they give it after what was seen by normal police? You need a "strong hand", what protects You against a despotic or dictatorship-like regime, what fights back Your peaceful demonstrations with armed police or paid violators. E.g. in leninistic theory, it is always necessary, not only to convince the industrial workers, but as well the masses of soldiers of Your revolutionary ideas, otherwise Your efforts to really throw a regime are in vain and useless. If You practice a non-armed revolution (like Gandhi), its even more necessary to build up a "strong hand" in the back to protect Your right to protest and as well Your right to c o n t i n u e the protest, if changes are stopped halfway.

    Now it might be to be important as well, to give the normal egyptian soldiers inside military a "democratic right" to complain about and bring to court bad behavior of officers against their own soldiers.

    But as well - if the troops are set out into cities and towns to rebuilt or guaranty "public order" - to give egyptian soldiers (and/or citizens as well) the right, to complain about and bring to court bad and brutal behavior, what they had to do because of following given commands to do so.

    As well it seems to be important to lay open the corruption of parts of egyptian military (and police) structures with the ancient regime and bring them to court.

    Last not least it seems as well important, that the public opinion explains the military (and the police), what they want them to do to stabilize "normal daily life" and what NOT!

    That is not an easy task for sure!

    Good luck + Greetings from Germany, pu of Rockini -

  38. @pu of rockini.

    "Even in my country Germany, it is not so easy for a common soldier to speak against rude methods of training"

    Waahhh, the drill sergeant was rude to me!

    I stopped reading when I got to "in leninistic theory".


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