
Saturday, March 26, 2011

For the First Time in our TV history

“Lakhabat” is a comic show on Al Hayat TV channel , its host “Maged El-Kola’aly” impersonates famous people from the actors, actresses and TV hosts. Since the revolution and Maged began to raise the bar in his show impersonating politicians and TV hosts to criticize the former regime and its icons.

In its 13 episode Maged surprised everybody when he impersonated Hosni Mubarak directly , it is a must watch episode.

Impersonating Hosni Mubarak

This is the first time in the history of Egyptian TV a former president being mocked directly in this way.

You should see him impersonating Khaled El-Genndy.

For the record Mohamed Sobhi once imitated former president Mubarak in his famous play “Mama America” , also Hani Ramzy imitated him as well in one of his films.


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