
Sunday, March 27, 2011

We will not let this happen in our country

The Yemeni center of human rights organization has reported that a Yemeni student was kidnapped and tortured in Cairo.  Ali Saleh Ahmed and other students organized in front of the embassy in solidarity with the revolution back in the homeland.
22 years old Ali Saleh Ahmed is currently studying in Cairo while working  in a Yemeni restaurant. Last  March 22nd,2011 he allegedly was kidnapped at 7:30 AM at Dokki in Giza by two other Yemenis who identified themselves as Yemeni special guards !! He was allegedly kidnapped and detained at what he believes an investigation office where he was tortured and electrified. He was being asked about the organizers of these protesters in front of the embassy. Ahmed said that those who tortured him were 5 , two of them Yemenis “the same two kidnapped him , he knew their names as well” and 3 Egyptians !!
He was blindfolded and led outside the building then was dumped at some place in Nasr City. He called his friends who took him to 6th of October hospital to treat him from torture. Ahmed has reported the matter officially at Dokki police station.
Here is a compilation of photos showing the traces of torture in Ahmed’s body.

Ali Saleh Ahmed and traces of torture
It is fearful and scary details with no doubt , this should not happen in Egypt now. I do not want my authorities to torture my Arab brothers nor to accept these actions in our territories. Our Arab brothers currently staying in Egypt should enjoy security and protection just like the Egyptian citizen
I hope that the Egyptian human rights organizations help and stand with Ahmed. I also hope that the media in Egypt searches for Ahmed.

1 comment:

  1. Z, To be honest am not surprised at all especially this kind of kidnapping and tortured is the same with the Egyptians peace protesters situation by the military police!! sad to see that after Amndawla is dissolved and mubarak left and yet Egypt is still the same...nothing changed!


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