
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leftover by who !?

Three teenagers were badly injured today when some explosive device near the pyramids in Giza. Officially that explosive thing is identified as leftover munitions !!! Of course in the news talk shows at night we were told that the army is investigating the device to know its origin.
I do not recall that there was any war or any training for the Egyptian army in that area at any time.
CBS news was correct when it mentioned that the last war there was during the French invasion in late 18th century !! Of course historically there were British army camps in the 19th century and early 20th century at the surrounding area but I do not see how they would leave something like that in this way.
It could be really a leftover and we are just imagining the worse due to the lack of security and the fact we know that there are evil counter revolution plans taking place around us.
I hope the ministry of interior will be honest enough to tell us what really happened and what this bomb was , we do not care about tourism as much as we care about stability.
If this was a 21st century bomb planted today then I hope the army starts to act even before the ministry of interior.
Again I hope that the ministry of interior will be honest with us because nobody will buy anything easily these days. 


  1. Again I hope that the ministry of interior will be honest with us because nobody will buy anything easily these days.

    why? you and many others already bought a no vote shmuckette

  2. ربنا يستر علي مصر من الؤامرات و من الفتن

  3. An explosion? No, it was a mummy curse. Stop messing with those mummies or more bad things will happen!


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