
Friday, April 15, 2011

A Letter to Japan

I have seen these two photos from The Big picture blog from Japan in its special feature about life in Fukushima and other unfortunate areas in the country after one month from that huge series of misfortunate events.
Toru Hanai /Reuters
The caption says : A volunteer cleaned a family photo that was washed by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami as baby photos were placed to dry at a volunteer center in Ofunato, Iwate prefecture, April 12, 2011. (Toru Hanai/Reuters)
Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters
The caption says : A man looked for his personal belongings at a collection center for items found in the rubble of an area devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, in Natori, northern Japan. (Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)
I can’t imagine this taking place in any other part of the world except in Japan.
Japanese people are great example for the people in the world.

By the way I was so surprised to know that the Japanese government did not cancel its aid to Egypt in this hard time , this is so kind from the Japanese people in a way I can’t imagine. I believe the unfortunate areas in Japan need this money more than we do now and I am serious in this , this is the least we can do to the Japanese people.
Now the least thing we can do is to send letters to the people of Japan showing our solidarity with them in these hard times , it is not too late to send couple of lines.
Now regarding Fukushima the reports seemed to contradicting and this is not good. I hope that insh Allah there will be no disaster like Chernobyl , I have read that terrible report about this disaster in and least I can say that I do not want to see this happens again in place in the world.
The Fukushima nuclear disaster has reached to Egypt indeed and the minister of electricity Hassan Yunis has announced that our nuclear plant project at North coast is postponed but it will not be cancelled.
Today the Emperor and the Empress made the first visit to the disaster zone in the country. 
"I do not know how the artist behind this beautiful illustration on the right , if you do know , please tell me :)"


  1. I respect Japanese people from the bottom o my heart,they are so dignified and civilized like no other nation

  2. "I do not know how the artist behind this beautiful illustration on the right , if you do know , please tell me :)"

    I don't know who is the artist but it looks like a manga style Japanese comic arts.

  3. you may not know, but this really helps


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