
Monday, April 18, 2011

Syria Revolution : Homs on Tahrir Path “Graphic”

Today Homs woke up  on 24 funerals today after tough night , yes 24 funerals for 24 protesters killed yesterday with their own security forces gun shot. People are extremely angry in Homs. Thousands have participated in the funerals.
During the funerals 

I read news that thousands have also decided to have some sort of sit in at the market area in the city . Thousands have set tents in what seems to be the new Tahrir square of Homs. Already protesters at the Souq "market" space have changed its name to the Tahrir space.  protests attacked both the regime and its media for its constant liars wondering where the infiltrators were in Homs.

The shops and companies in Homs have decided to close in solidarity with the victims. At the same time I am writing this blog post in Cairo , Homs is having a huge protest in solidarity with the victims calling for freedom and democracy. The people of Homs have not forgotten Tal by the way , there are reportedly chants in solidarity with Tal , the youngest blogger to be arrested in the Arab world.
I do not think that anyone in Syria will dare and make jokes about Homs again.
The official media claims that there were restricted orders for the security forces not to use live ammunition and that those people killed in Homs were killed by armed gangs !!? 
Syrians are accusing the El Assad regime of using prohibited weapons against its own people. Here is a video allegedly from Rif Dimashq governorate showing a CS gas grenade made in Iran , we can’t verify from this though.

The description of that video Youtube made me realize that Egypt has not signed yet the chemicals weapons treaty.
The official media boldly also claimed that this video showing Syrian security forces humiliating detained protesters was filmed outside Syria , in Iraq and that these soldiers were US soldiers !! The people of Baniyas debunked this claim by filming the area again and also by posting a video for the same security forces unit in the same area earlier cheering for Bashar El Assad. They also made a quick interview with one of the detainees who appeared in the region who said in details who was arrested by the security forces.

Wikileaks has published bunch of cables showing the US administration’s financial support to Syrian opposition groups , I do not know why Wikileaks publish these cables at the current time particularly when this on going revolution has nothing to do with the opposition abroad !!? This new release from Wikileaks will be used by El-Assad regime media against this growing revolution !! Already I got someone sending me a tweet online telling me that I was being used against my government “he believes I am Syrian , of course there is no difference between Syria and Egypt”
Of course this concerned gentleman does not know much about the bloody history of El Assad regime or the suffering of the Syrian people all those decades.
This photo is from the city of Daraa , from the old Omari mosque where the photos of martyrs were hanged.

This photo below is from Hauran and that baby is telling Bashar to leave.

God bless Syria and its great people.
Photos from SNN
Updated : 
  • Here is the scene from the El-Sa'a space or Tahrir space as it is being called now :) 

  • Benghazi supports the revolutionaries in Syria. "From Dr. Hamza :)" 
  • Now this old clip I must share with you from Baniyas , it was filmed from couple of days ago showing the traces of torture on the citizens there , there is a big protest currently there. 
  • Another clip from the new Tahrir space at the Quwatli street and the people want to topple the regime. 

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  1. I've felt the chill of this, God be with them.

  2. Im soooo proud of the people of Syria! After so many years of oppression they stand up as one! And Bashar shows his true face to the world! His name it was donkey, he still is, although that is an insult to the fabulous animal a donkey is. Let Bashar stay the yekil that he is.

    Stay strong people and God bless you all!

    A dutch sympathisan


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