
Monday, April 25, 2011

Syrian Revolution : Hama 2 in Daraa !! "Updated and graphic"

Reuters and BBC News have just confirmed the news that the Syrian regime has closed all the land borders with Jordan following the deployment of tanks and Arab Syrian army units to Daraa. It is Hama massacre rewind.

According to activists at least between 5 to 20 civilians have been killed so far in the morning and that the security forces are opening their gunfire on everything is moved. Update : According to AFP 25 are reportedly killed in Daraa , this is of course the primary and the least while Al Jazeera English reports that dead bodies are all over the streets of Daraa and people can't get them because of the snipers who are making it like there currently. The people in Jordanian villages near the borders can hear the sounds of the heavy artillery 
Allegedly the ancient Omari mosque was attacked by the army. Eye witnesses speaking on TV channels and online say that there are bodies in the streets surrounding the mosque and that the army units are using forbidden live ammunition.
There is news that the security forces are arresting the people from their homes while other fearful news say that the security forces are arresting and gathering women and children in order to force the revolutionaries to give up.
Update : The Mosques are calling for Peace , they are chanting 'Allah Akbar' while the guns shots are heard crystal clear , it is quite a scene. The mosques are calling citizens to stand still and do not give up attacking the security forces.
The Emam of the Omari mosque has already sent a video message to Al Jazeera asking the Arab countries for help and support.

 These videos above show the army tanks and officers opening their fire randomly on houses.
This is video below shows the sounds of gunfire coming from the Omari Mosque , it is like a battle
The communications are cut in certain areas in Daraa. The only mobile phone networks working in the city are  the Jordanian mobile phones , people are asking the Jordanian mobile phones to give them free minutes "I would say hours in this situation" 
Update :
Daraa is under a horrible siege
This is so Hama 1982 , the question now : Will the Syrian people watch in silence and fear this happens again to their brothers and sisters !!? I will not ask about the world because the Syrian people are the real decision maker here not the world.
The city of Hauran is reportedly cut from the world as well as it is currently suffering from huge communication blockage so are the city of Al Gassem and Nawa. Earlier before the communication blockage someone from Hauran claimed France 24 and claimed that there are Iranian forces allegedly participating in the crackdown. Updated : It is confirmed that some of the security forces have attacked members in the Syrian army who seemed to be from those refused to participate in attacking the civilians. They are currently hiding in the city after being treated in the hospital 
Here is a video taken from Syrian channel Donia "Pro-El Assad" yesterday where you can see a doctor hitting an injured when the later arrived by ambulance to the hospital !!!
It is not only Daraa that faces a huge security crackdown but also Jableh , Doma "a 12 years old kid was killed there" and Al Moadamieh where the special forces are reportedly committing horrible crimes. 
There are solidarity protests in Homs , Sweidda and Aleppo in solidarity with the people of Daraa. Update : The protest in Homs is violently cracked down by the security forces and hospitals there are on alert , many are speaking about fearful scenes in the hospitals. The hospitals there are calling for blood donations. Doma is also witnessing a massacre itself.
Here is a video from Al Moadameih showing one of the martyrs who have been killed earlier by the security forces. "Graphic"
There are currently thousands of army soldiers and officers in the city , Maher El-Assad and Rostom Ghazali are reportedly there. There are rumors that a number of Syrian officers have defected and have joined the citizens of Daraa. According to these rumors a Lt.Colonel and a major have defected along other 5 officers and soldiers , you think that this is a small number but this small crack can help in shifting the balance of power to the Syrian people’s side hopefully too soon. According to some military experts using the artillery and tanks  in Daraa is a sign that Bashar and Maher El Assad are not confident from the foot soldiers !!? Well I feel that Bashar and Maher are keeping the infamous family tradition in bombarding the Syrian cities using heavy artillery , it has nothing to do with confidence.
Update : #1From couple of hours the number exceeded to become 20 officers and soldiers while now news are speaking about a whole battalion that has defected and joined the revolutionaries. The 5th battalion is currently having a clash with the 4 battalion if I am not mistaken in led by Maher El Assad.
Update : #2 The news is confirmed the 5th battalion allegedly headed by Kamal El-Rafai has defected. The battalion is made of 250 officer and soldier who took off their uniforms. I have got news that a whole legion in the Syrian Arab army has defected too but got no confirmation. 
Update : #3 The Syrian army has issued a statement claiming that its operations currently in Daraa were to track down the radical terrorist groups, the Syrian army claimed that it came to Daraa by the people's request !!
Here is a terrible video from Hauran showing allegedly two soldiers from security killed for disobeying the orders and shooting the protesters. "Graphic"
Tomorrow the Syrian Freedom Youth in Egypt are organizing a stand in front of the Syrian embassy in Giza from 11.30 PM to 3 PM then they move to to the LAS HQ in Cairo to have 45 minutes stand objecting on what is happening in Syria. Update : There will be a protest organized by the 6th April youth tomorrow in front of the Syrian embassy from 5PM to 6 PM as well.
The Egyptian activists want to kick out the Syrian ambassador from the country and I believe it is better for that man to resign because now many Egyptian political groups announced that they would participate in the protest.
There will be similar events in Kuwait and Algeria as far as I have known.
 There is online petition to Ban Ki-Moon , the secretary general of UN that needs 10,000 signatures , this is important to deliver our voice against these crimes committed against the great Syrian people to the media. , please spread.  Update : The UN has issued a statement calling Syria to halt the attack on protesters , it seems that you do not know yet we have reached to the artillery phase in Syria.
Update : France and Portugal are pushing for draft UN resolution that will condemn the use of excessive violence against protesters tonight
This video shows a little girl who was killed by the security forces in Barazah El-Balad in Damascus , she was shot in her eye. "Completely graphic"This little girl is called Israa Yonis.
Cal Perry , Al Jazeera English channel correspondent who left Syria in a narrow escape speaks about the horrows he saw at Izraa. 
If you are interesting in knowing the news of Syria , please join this group. 
Carlos Latuff made a collection of cartoons related to the Syrian revolution

He made also these two cartoons "1,2"
Syria has got no oil plus the West and Israel are comfortable for El Assad despite his media stunt supporting Arab anti-Zionist resistance group , so I am not expecting a strong international reaction like in Libya or in Egypt. This is why we have to pray for Syria and its great Syrian people.


  1. great post Zenobia keeping us all updated

    god protect our Syrian brothers and sister

  2. Outstanding report, Z. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  3. Syria does have oil, but not a major exporter just like Egypt

    Carlos has new Mubarak cartoons

    last one is particularly interesting, I don't know if Carlos knows that Mubarak had his name embroidered in his suit pattern


  5. thank you Z for the great report and keeping us updated. Our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Syria and may God have mercy on the souls of martyrs and place them in Jannah insyallah.

  6. while i was watching this video I remembered these black days we were imprisoned in our houses afraid to go out even to our balconies the mosques were calling the people to protect their houses and families and gun shots were every minute it was like a scary movie I will not say anything except حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل في كل ظالم

  7. Salam Alaikom,
    Join my group on Facebook to support our Syrian brothers and sisters.

  8. Salam Alaikom,
    Please join my group on FaceBook to support our brothers and systers in Syria. The link to the group is provided below:

    جزاكم الله خيرا والدال على الخير كفاعله


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