
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Syrian Revolution : Homs’ own January 25 !! "Graphic"

This reminds with the night of January 25th but of course we are not speaking about Mubarak’s security forces but we are speaking about the El Assad’s security forces which are far more worse than the Mubarak’s security forces.
At 2:00 AM the security forces in Syria have started to disperse the sit in currently taking place at the new founded freedom square in Homs , the city. According to early tweets , the sound of heavy live ammunition there are heard across the city. The tear gas grenades are reportedly used.
According to eye witnesses who have just called Al Jazeera and BBC there were snipers on the rooftops and there are many casualties. People are saying that at least 6 dead while many are injured. If we are going to speak about snipers then we are speaking about deadly shots. :(
We have got conflicted reports about hospitals demanding blood donors where as security forces blocking the ambulances from going  to the square.
It is worth to mention that according to foreign reporters the security forces locked down all the ways to the city earlier. According to early estimations there were 50,000 in the square tonight.
The sit in was more than wonderful earlier , people across Syria and outside were proud of it. Here are couple of photos from the square earlier.

Tonight reminds me again with January 25th in Cairo , how it started and how it ended but of course I fear that it will be much more bloodier than the original #Jan25.
You must know that the Syrian official media is claiming that the regime is fighting radical Salafists in the country. You must also know that Syria news channel thinks that prosecuting former President Mubarak is an American conspiracy now.
Dear Syrians do not lose hope now because everything blood you think you are losing in this battle against dictatorship is actually a fuel for your revolution. The price of freedom is not cheap. This is a salute from the Youth of #Jan25 revolution to the Syrian revolution during a small protest in front of the Syrian embassy yesterday. 

After few hours a group of Syrian activists will hold a press conference in Cairo to announce the new Syrian youth revolution coalition, to be honest I do not know anything about them except from Shorouk report.
Updated : 
  • Some people are saying that the death toll has reached to 17 !! 
  • The tanks have entered the city and thugs are attacking two of the major hospitals there. 
  • The medics are unable to reach to the wounded at the center of the city according Al Jazeera English
  • The wounded are afraid to go to the hospitals for fear they would arrested. 
  • There are news that certain famous religious clerics in the city were arrested and were killed. 
  • Reportedly the security forces are encircling the famous Khaled Ibn El-Walid mosque where inside many protesters who took refugee in the old mosque. 
  • It is now about 3:52 AM Damascus Local time and it seems that the forces have entered the mosque and there is currently a massacre there. :(
  • Here is a video earlier at the square before the attack. 
Updated @12:36 PM 

  • It seems that there is a massacre last night in Homs , eye witnesses are speaking on Al Jazeera about hundreds of injured and that no less than 1000 were killed. Mosques' speakers say that the lost is already killed :( 
  • The bodies are being transferred to some hospital on the highway to Homs. 
  • Latakia and Daraa are having solidarity protests now and also the university of Damascus in one of faculties "I think the faculty of medicine" is witnessing a sit in solidarity with Homs. The students are currently being attacked by the regime forces , agents and thugs. 
  • The official Syrian media claims that was mutiny made by infiltrators from radical Salafists. Bashar El Assad followers on twitter and YouTube are quite active this morning. 
  • I found this statement calling Syrians to protest next April 22,2011 , it is signed by the Syrian Day of rage and Syrian revolution 15 March. 
  • Here are the early videos coming from Homs last night. 

1 comment:

  1. ان شاء الله النصر للسوريين الأحرار


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