
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tamim El-Barghouti’s latest Poem : The people of Egypt

Palestinian Egyptian Poet and political analyst Tamim El Barghouti wrote a new poem about Egypt , Egyptian people and the Egyptian revolution of January 25th in Egyptian dialect. Least thing I can say about it that it is wonderful and great.

Tamim El-Barghouti : The people of Egypt

Tamim El Barghouti has just received the Egyptian nationality at last , he has got now an Egyptian passport in the new Egypt.

I can’t forget Tamim’s poem in Egyptian dialect during the revolution “Just couple of day” , I can’t forget how I felt when I heard it read by the protesters at Tahrir square.

Part of Tamim El-Barghouti’s poem at Tahrir square on February 4th

Here is the poem read by Tamim El-Barghouti on January 28th,2011.

Tamim El-Barghouti : Just couple of days


  1. شكرا جدا .كنت أبحث عن هذه القصيده منذ اذيعت ولا أجدها.كم هو رائع ونبيل وفريد..لعل هذه القصيدة هي الوحيدة التي أسطاعت أن تقارب جاهين في على اسم مصر ان لم تفقها صدقا وألما ومصريه.اسمح لي أن أتابعك على
    تويتر وفي مدونتك
    هشام عيد

  2. come on. I agree with his right to protest denying him egyptian citizenship but who is he to say what he is saying bout Egypt. Mr Bargothy, Zagloul and Farid are not statues. They are real history any one can see in Egypt try to find some statues in you culture to write about, if you ever can.

  3. 'try to find some statues in you culture to write about, if you ever can. '



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