
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ibrahim Kamel : Innocent For real or Deal talk

Businessman tycoon Ibrahim Kamel has been acquitted today in surprising verdict by a military court in the April 9th Tahrir incidents earlier today. It is the day of shocking surprisingly news indeed.

Ibrahim Kamel was acquitted from this charge but he has not been acquitted yet from the camel battle incident. His lawyer Ragai Attiya claimed that Kamel already resigned from the NDP and that the other accused like Wael Abu Leil were not working for him.

Now how and why Ibrahim Kamel was acquitted from this particular case despite its importance !? Was he a scapegoat in this particular case or there is some sort of deal ? Did Ibrahim Kamel spell some important secret the SCAF did not know ? Was there some kind of pressure from any foreign country to let him go ? Ibrahim Kamel was among the lobbyists of Mubarak in Washington. Is it because Kamel is rich !!? I mean what about Amr Bahairy and other civilian detainees who got strict military sentences !?

There is an official statement issued by the SCAF incriminating Kamel not only in front of Egypt but in front of the whole world and we assume that the council will not issue a statement about certain incident like that except when it is positively sure.

The fact that the military tribunal acquitted him means that the SCAF was lying and if we are taught anything in our middle east , we are taught that our rulers do not like to confess that they are liars and wrong. According to our middle east mindset Ibrahim Kamel could have been sentenced in front of the military court and found guilty even if he were innocent just to save the dignity of the ruler ? This is what the Mubarak regime taught us so I am surprised with this verdict.

Some say that you can’t prove anything on tycoons like Kamel and it is enough that he got away in the first time from the camel battle but if they can’t prove anything on him how they accuse him in less than 24 hours !? I said it before when I asked the SCAF to show us the evidence against Kamel.

If it is not Kamel than who is it ? Who is behind the incidents of that bloody night where at least one civilian was killed ? Who killed Ali Maher ? If there is no one and the army wanted to get its officers but things went bad to catastrophic then it should admit its sins in that operation.

If Ibrahim Kamel is acquitted in the camel battle incident then I will believe that there is some sort of deal. Again what is announced and known about Ibrahim Kamel in the Egyptian media is very small from the reality , this man is like Hussein Salem. In fact he is exactly like Salem in everything even in their relations with Israel if we excluded the facts that Salem is from military background and Kamel is from civilian background. He is so dangerous and also rich more than you can think , forget about Ezz.

I said it before and I will say it again the SCAF is not helping us to help them , we are not the enemy who should be kept outside the war room.

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  1. I agree with you. It's an embarrassment to SCAF that they bluntly blamed Kamel for the violent incident in April only to acquit him now. We do have a right to a detailed explanation of the events that unfolded that night and on other occasions where we were never filled in. And indeed, if Kamel is found to be innocent of the camel incident, which I strongly doubt, then that would be way too suspicious!

  2. @Zeinobia: The sources you are using to form your article are not accurate. Ibrahim Kamel never funded any campaign for Gamal Mubarak and a lot of the facts written in both your sources are not correct. We are living in tough times and a lot of people are being scapegoated and the media is catching on and flaming situations so badly. Dr. Ibrahim Kamel is the perfect example of a person who has been scapegoated for both incidents. Im almost sure you have only heard of this man only in the recent months, but he has a history for being a very honest and decent man. The media has profiled him in a certain way that is quite untrue and people are just believing the tabloid newspapers that write things not based on facts. They can't even get the company name right. I urge everyone to question things they read and dig deeper for evidence and sources before believing any accusations. We are facing very difficult times and need to be as objective as possible.

  3. Actually, I don't know about Zeinobia, but I heard quite a bit about Ibrahim Kamel long before the revolution. Besides being one of Hosny Mubarak's closest associates and a huge supporter of Gamal Mubarak, he was one of the driving forces behind the QIZ agreement, by which Egyptian textile products would have access to the US market on condition that they include a percentage of Israeli components.

    He was/is a member of the Egyptian - Israeli Business Council.

    Also, he's on the Board of Governors of the so-called "Peres Center for Peace", founded by Israeli war criminal and mass murderer Shimon Peres. The Peres Center for Peace was founded with the express aim of realizing Shimon Peres' aim of creating "a new Middle East" through "socio-economic" collaboration between Israel and the Arabs. His fellow "peaceniks" include rabid zionists and actual war criminals or advocates for war crimes against Arabs like Henry Kissinger, Morton Zuckerman, US Senators Arlen Specter and Tom Lantos.

    His company, Kato Holdings, has "substantial holdings" in the Israeli company Koor Industries, in a deal that was announced in the American and Israeli press as a "strategic alliance" between the two large companies.

    None of this is evidence of criminal activity, but neither is it consistent with your description of Ibrahim Kamel as "a very honest and decent man."

    He was "Mubarak's advisor" and is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Mubarak regime's corruption. He was one of the first to openly incite a counter-revolution.

    "A very honest and decent man"? I'd hate to see your definition of a very dishonest and corrupt man.

  4. He was acquitted simply because he is innocent and not for anything else. What I didnt like about the article is that you have many of your facts wrong. His acquittal was not a surprise, even the people who disagreed with him politically such as Ibrahim Eissa believed in his innocense. There was no outside pressure on SCAF, as the only pressure was his innocence as how on earth a person is accused of doing something while he is in his bed sleeping!!! If you think Dr. Kamel is more powerful or richer than Salem or other businessmen, then you must live somewhere else. And also, what sort of a deal are you talking about if he is proven innocent in the camel battel? Why is it you are 100% sure that he is behind the camel battle? Why is that you neglect the possibility of being inncoent in both allegations? Are you a detective? Are you collecting evidence? I dont think so. Why is it that you are thinking negatively about a man who served Egypt for decades. Why are you accusing him of being a dangerous man while you have no idea who he is. Seriously, by you saying that, you just proved that all your questions and facts are wrong coz if you knew Dr. Kamel, you would have never questioned his integrity.

    A piece of an advice, do your homework before you start accusing the integrity of an annocent man.

    In conclusion, what I have read is a 100% deviation from reality.

  5. A pathetic article based on hearsay. I will post a lengthier reply when I have the time. Kamel is one of the very few honest businessmen in Egypt. My God you people just go on and on and on destroying people's lives and reputations to get attention with no regard as to the repercussions of your words on the simple minded readers who believe those words. Don't you get it? the man was set up to take the fall and to be THE SCAPEGOAT. He was released from the CAMEL incident and and the TAHRIR incident and now they are holding him again for the CAMEL incident. The whole thing is a joke and they don't have a shred of solid evidence. I guess the man is lucky to be locked up or else he would have been also accused of the Israeli Embassy incident, the Maspiro incident and any other incidents. We are living in a time were the Media does not represent the public opinion but makes the public opinion.

  6. If it was not for Ibrahim Kamel the Egyptian military would never had the equipment they needed to wage war in 1973!! He is a hero,, he did more for Egypt than writer ever will. Get a life on this planet please,


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