
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Syrian Revolution : The Agony is still on “Graphic”

For a week now Daraa in Syria is living a true agony with electricity or water or communication , for a week now the city is paying a huge price for freedom and democracy. I feel that I have lost count when it comes to the dead and injured not to mention the detained not only in Daraa but across Syria. Even small children are being detained and also tortured in Daraa.
Today between 450-too citizen were detained in the city while the patients in the city’s hospitals are facing a terrible situation , it is like a death sentence imposed on them with no right at all.
This video is originally from a village east of Daraa and that brave woman who went to face the Syrian security forces screaming is called Um Ahmed. This video was uploaded yesterday April 30,2011.
The people of the border towns near Daraa in Jordan will a march to the borders in order to break the siege of Daraa, it is important significant move without doubt. Here is a FB page trying to organizing an international movement to break the siege of Daraa. 
Things are not good at in Hauran , this video below was uploaded also on April 30,2011 shows injured and dead in one of the city’s hospitals. According to the one who was filming these are the victims of an alleged massacre committed in a bridge called Siada bridge by the army forces that used heavy artillery. Allegedly there were hundreds of injured and dead in this massacre committed on April 29th.
Hauran : A massacre committed at Siada bridge
The communication lines are reportedly cut with the city of Daraya near Damascus.
The siege on the city of Doma began to lessen a little bit , the security forces began to leave the city after 10 days of clashes and terrible siege . No less than 200 detainees from the city were released today according to FNN !!
Homs as usually is facing protests from one side and security forces crack down , the regime does not want to understand people will not forget the massacre that took place last Friday in the city. Here is a video from Friday , from one of the hospitals' there. It is graphic as usual , it contains footage for injured and martyrs.

The public buses now in Syria are being used to transfer the detainees to the prisons where they are tortured and humiliated in order to not to protest again against the holy El Assad clan !! The following footage shows a young man detained on April 22nd and released on April 27th , this young was tortured as you can the marks on his body, terrible tortured. "NSFW" This is the tip of the ice berg.
It seems that El Assad will kill half of the Syrian people and imprison the other half at the same time he is ordering half of the Syrian army to kill the other half !!
Everyday we find news that soldiers and officers defected due to their refusal to participate in the massacres against their own people and everyday we find news that some of these soldiers and officers are being executed by their follow officers accordingly. Sadly enough the Syrian regime claims that executed officers were killed by the terrorist groups. Of course their families later speak up to the alternative social medial and prove otherwise.
Here is a video from Hauran showing the citizens helping injured army officers and soldiers shot down by other officers for refusing to participate in the attack against the civilians.
Syrian soldiers shot by follow troops in Hauran
Here is a video from a defected soldier in the republican guards on why he was defected and how the republican guards are dressed like counter terrorism forces to crack down protesters  “Translated”

There is a witch hunt currently targeting activists , I am afraid to say this is the least thing expected with a crazy regime like that.
Yesterday there were news that the Syrian army attacked the Old Daraa quarter and the ancient Omari Mosque killing a group of people taking refugees there including a pregnant woman and her child. The situation in Syria is more than terrible.
The Syrian mainstream official media claims that all what is going in Syria is actually a Zionist/Salafist/American/Saudi/Qatari/Lebanese/Western conspiracy against the Syrian defiant El Baath regime !! It is a worse déjà vu from what we saw in our Egyptian mainstream media , in fact it seems that the Syrian official media is copying badly from the Libyan media , oh yes Libyan media !! The revolution hallucination pills have made it to Syria.
Mustafa from Latakia : A Saudi man got a bag full of hallucinations pills
Not only the Saudis are involved in the mushroom revolution but also the Qataris as al Jazeera is distributing hallucination pills in Daraa and this is why the Syrian regime cut the water in Daraa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yes the regime cut the water in Daraa so the people will not swallow the hallucination pills with water !!!!
Al Jazeera supplies the protesters in Daraa with hallucination pills !!
Here is a video from Daraa showing security forces thugs showing the camera , the smoking gun , the hard evidence that Al Jazeera TV channel was distributing revolution hallucination pills  : Pills packets with Al Jazeera logo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not know if those who made up these lies are naïve or do they think that the people are naïve , I do not know who or how anyone would believe this !!
Speaking about Al Jazeera channel , it seems that there are several Syrian and Arab reporters and News readers who resign in solidarity with El Assad regime accusing the channel of being biased !!!! We are speaking here about well known names associated for years with Al Jazeera like Fiasal El Qassam who used to preach for democracy and attack the Mubarak regime in his show or Tunisian / Lebanese Ghassan Bin Gado who cried when he returned back to his homeland Tunisia after decades of self exile in Lebanon !! Bin Gado will launch a new TV channel soon.
Al Jazeera has suspended its operations in the Syrian territories due to the dangers it is currently facing , the channel depends mainly on the footage leaked on the internet now. The mobile phone operators have stopped the Al Jazeera SMS service as well. 
The El Baath party is witnessing a wave of resignation especially in the region witnssing violent crackdowns like in Daraa , Baniyas and recently at El-Rastan where 200 El Baath resigned in a memorial service of the security forces' victims from the city.

The leaders of Hamas have packed their bags and began to move to Jordan , things have changed already. Some people speculate that Egypt managed to reach to that agreement between Hamas and Fatah thanks to the fact the Syrian regime was busy in meddling in the deal as it always did.
Now there is a distributing news that Mustafa El-Faky will visit Damascus tomorrow to get the regime’s official support for the LAS secretary general position race , this is provoking and unacceptable from him. It disqualifies him in fact. This just adds a new reason on why he should not be the SG of the LAS in the coming period !!
Vogue Magazine has at last removed Asma Al Assad’s profile from its English edition website. The official Syrian websites are still under attack of Anonymous and other hacking groups.


  1. Ben jido has always been a true supporter of the syrian regime simply because they are shia.
    For the others, they resigned because if not, their family will be targeted, we are talking about savage regime here.

  2. Well Assad has acted exactly as his father would have. His actions are indefensible. The game was up 2 years ago when millions of Iranians got beaten, killed and raped when they protested against the dictator they are supposed to love so much.That was another Zionist/Salafist conspiracy.


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