
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day of Rage : What we Should focus on now

This video compilation for clips from the Friday of Wrath January 28th in Egypt is more that great  , seriously great. I recommend that you watch it till the end. Now If you compare between these clips and the clips from June 28th and June 29th strangely you will find very few differences !! The CSF are still the same and the police officers are still the same despite all what happened in these 5 months.

The day of rage : January 28th

I will not speak about politics and current issues nor about SCAF and the revolution , I will focus on the ministry of interior. We will not have a real stability in the country , we will have a real peace of mind to rebuild our country again , we will not have a real revolution in Egypt as long as the ministry of interior and the police force are living in the illusion of Mubarak’s era.

After 30 years of rule as pharaoh’s faithful police force , that police force will return to be the in the people’s service. According to many sources Mansour Eissawy is a good man but he is surrounded by bad men and a mindset that needs to be destroyed today before tomorrow.

Our police force is already mentality sick and this is obvious with their violence and hate reflected in their treatment to the citizens. You are in front of sick person when you find an officer treating a citizen from lower class in an inhuman way because he is an officer with authority and power. You are in front of  sick person when you find a State security officer torturing some Islamist young man who does not ignore one single prayer in the day. That CSF solider dancing rudely with sword last June 29th is a sick person , that officer that kicked a woman , a martyr's mother in her stomach at Agouza police station is sick person

This will not change in a day or night , this will not change easily in 5 months when it was built and enforced for 30 years.

I think our main focus in this period from our revolution should be on our battle with the old ministry of interior. It is not about revenge , we have not set and will not set guillotines at Tahrir square , all what we want is justice.

Our politicians , parties and potential political candidates should put aside all their debates , their agendas and their races and focus on the following demands if they want to win the public :

  • Immediate suspension to all the officers accused of killing protesters and torturing civilians
  • Public trials on air for these officers , it is not about transparency more about to set a record for other police officers.
  • Financial inspection to the big police generals especially state security officers.
  • Changing the bloody courses they are teaching in the police academy.

I think I have tackled this issue before and many others  did but it is not enough. Before we speak about constitution first or elections first , we should clean the ministry of interior first.

Nawara Negm was right when she said on Al Jazeera Mubshar yesterday , SCAF has to choose between the ministry of interior and the Egyptian people.


  1. Young officer to Tantawiand the SCAF:

    "Sirs, you have had plenty of time to deliver the aims of The Revolution, the people no longer trust you. Sirs, you will be better off at Sharm."
    Sherif el Hakim

  2. The contempt that the police have for ordianry people is unbelievable, my Egyptian friends say "they are just not Egyptian". To be poor is a crime in Egypt.

  3. moftasa tweeted this video supposedly from June 28th:

    Now I don't know what weapons are allowed for riot polices but machete is probably not one of them! I hope this police gets suspended or fined at least.


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