
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

El Gamal resigned and SCAF rejected

For the second time officially Dr. Yahia El Gamal resigns from his post and SCAF rejects it. From short time ago Al Ahram portal announced that Dr. Yahia El Gamal has resigned and at the same time we found on social media that PM Sharaf accepted his resignation.

The news was true but it was not complete because in 5 PM News on the Egyptian national TV it was announced that SCAF has rejected his resignation and the man is still in his position.

There are a lot of criticism facing Dr. El Gamal because of many reasons , some regard him as the center of counter revolution and as a strong advocate for the constitution first in Egypt currently.

I feel sad for Dr. El Gamal because I remember him at Tahrir square before accepting that position in Shafik’s cabinet , it is just sad. He should not have accepted the position.

Of course I expect that he will speak at Al Hayat Youm show at night to explain why he resigned.

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