
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Guess who has got a profile in the interpol and the Facebook at the same time !!

Guess the Egyptian official who has got a profile in the interpol wanted list and the Facebook at the same time !?

No not Hussein Salem nor Yossuef Ghali , it is Rachid Mohamed Rachid !! Oh Yes I stumbled in his Facebook profile. Rachid Mohamed Rachid is from the most famous runaway businessmen/ministers accused of profiting from their ministerial positions. We do not know where he is , some rumors say he is in London while others speculate he is either in Dubai or Qatar.

Here is his Interpol shameful page and here is his Facebook profile. He states his location in Alexandria and he has just shared a note about the Israeli rumors spread in our media. He got 4999 friends at the current time. I do not know who is behind his profile for real , it could be someone from his team or family but seriously I am amazed at the guts of having a public profile like that when he is a runaway !!

Honestly I used to respect Rachid Mohamed Rachid but after his disgraceful runaway and refusal to stand in front of the prosecution office and defend himself if he were true . We are not holding revolutionary trials so he would be afraid from injustice , we are not going to nationalize his family’s factories. All what we want is the truth and justice. If he took something he is not his , then we will restore it back and he will get his punishment as the law states.If he broke the law , then he will get his punishment. This is the main principle of democracy , if he truly loves Egypt then it is better that he shows his face !!

Alas that Rachid Mohamed Rachid has stained his family’s name with his action , seriously alas !! 


  1. "if he broke the law, then he will get his punishment. This is the main principle of democracy" actually not Zeinobia! I support your article but I don't accept the premise that justice is the main principle of democracy! Justice and democracy are both individually highly desirable stand alone principles. Only if you're talking politics we say that. But here you'r talking justice as in 'legal' justice.

  2. I'm sorry but you are very wrong about this. This man is the reason our economy became one of the most growing economies in the world, and was going to become a competing market with all emerging countries like Turkey and Asia. He never deserves to be treated like this, so why would come to injustice and jail with his own will?

  3. How is this a democracy? A democracy gives every citizen rights and sovereignty, where are the rights of those being thrown in jail. Some may deserve to be in there, but not Rachid, Nazif, Ghaly, Maghraby, AboulEish, and Asal. Those were clean well educated successful business men from families that never needed the money or the fame. Where are their rights? If the attorney general had any hard evidence against them, why didn't they trial them by legal terms? It is illegal and against our constitution that they be put in prison prior to trials. Also it is illegal to take complaints of anonymous and send them to court. And it's illegal to accept cases at the court after little or no investigation. All I'm saying is if everything was done legally, and just, then we can say that we are in favor of democracy and expect everyone to come fight for his or her right. But in democracy, prime rule is innocent until proven guilty. Umfortunayely Egyptians have not come to that agreement yet.

  4. "Some may deserve to be in there, but not Rachid, Nazif, Ghaly, Maghraby, AboulEish, and Asal. Those were clean well educated successful business men from families that never needed the money or the fame."

    ... either you are so naive or benefited from the rife corruption, I don't see it in any other way.

  5. "... either you are so naive or benefited from the rife corruption, I don't see it in any other way."

    Then I'm sorry to say that you are not seeing the whole truth. I actually never lived in Egypt but had the honor to meet some of these men that helped open Egypt and I had never benefited except had my hopes heighten for Egypt's Sake and I saw a great future for my Egyptian families because of them.

    It's not a black or white picture. If you're against them then you are pure and if you defend these men then you are corrupt. Consider the alternatives... You'll live a better life!


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