
Saturday, July 16, 2011

El Mahdy at Tahrir square "Updated"

Major general Tarek El Mahdy of SCAF has visited Tahrir Square , we do not know the reason of the visit yet but we know that he was speaking to the protesters at one of the stages and that they refused to listen forcing him to leave . According to activist Nazly Hussein El Mahdy spoke with those protesters currently on hunger strike.
Al Mahdy at one of the tent
At the stage
El Mahdy attacked on air the News sector news reader and their correspondent at Tahrir square for calling the protesters as thugs yesterday.
Mahdy on Egyptian TV yesterday
Major general El Mahdy was appointed to oversee the national Egyptian TV and radio. He is popular in Maspero as far as I know
Some are saying that he was being kicked out of the square.Updated : He was kicked out from the square because he attacked April 8th officers !!? I do not understand what some people expected him to do when he sees the photos of these officers hailed as heroes !!? He is a military man for God sake !? What these officers did for him is a mutiny not a revolutionary act !!
He should not been kicked out or humiliated at Tahrir Square for one second because this will be used against the sit in and the protesters . The Mubarak's orphans in the media will portray it as a disrespect to the Egyptian army.
Tarek Al Mahdy spoke on TV Night talk shows about the incident. He said that he went there with the intention to speak with the protesters on hunger strike in order to convince them to break their fast and to take a list of the detainees' names at military prisons.

Al Mahdy stated in a phone call on Al Hayat TV he felt sad that he failed in his mission and did not protection from anybody despite he thanked 6th April youth committees. "They made a cordon around him to protect him"
The sit ins at Tanta and Luxor were ended violently, the first was ended by military police while the second was ended by thugs. There is a still a sit in in Luxor.
I do not have any opinion because the scene is too damn chaotic. Kicking out Al Mahdy will be used against Tahrir Square activists tonight in the media by Mubarak’s orphans showing the activists working against the Egyptian army.


  1. AGREE !! 100%

    watch this video, he talked on air illustrating what happened and that he was there to convince hunger striker to end it and he wanted the name of detainees to free them out..i can see this was a good sign from the army and it would have been a new victory for our requests...

    i can feel like we are repeating the same that happens between Fath and Hamas!! " NO negotiations NO talk " and they go to negotiate with israel and they refuse to negotiate with each others.

    Seriously, people in Tahrir should try to stop kicking out everyone coming to the Square...we are losing support from normal's like we are applying our own dictatorship!!

  3. You have long lost everything ......


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