
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Ramadan 2011 “Revolution Tahrir style”

The grand Mufti announced tonight that the holy month of Ramadan will start on Monday August 2nd ,2011.
Happy and blessed Ramadan 2011 to all Muslims all over the world.
For sure this Ramadan has a new taste in Egypt without Mubarak , for sure it has a new taste when we are trying to build our new Egypt.
Hopefully this Ramadan will be special for Egyptian Chronicles and its Chronicler , wait for more interesting posts insh Allah and wait for the return of the 10001 Radio nights along other special features in Ramadan 2011.
Happy Ramadan again and God bless you and bless Egypt.
May Allah bless our martyrs and our injured, May Allah bless our revolution.
Tthere are some calls for having a breakfast next Friday at Tahrir square insh Allah , I think this will be a great idea.


  1. monday august 1st*

    ramadan kareem :)

  2. Thank you Zeinobia for the greetings.Ramadan Karim to you and all your beloved ones.Ramadan Karim to Mother Egypt and its brave People.The dawn of a better and bright future has risen,and by God nothing will stop that!We always look forward to your chronicles.Tahya Masr...@amrazim2808

  3. Ramadan karim ya Zeinobia

    كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة شهر رمضان المبارك أعاده الله علينا و على الأمة بالخير واليمن والبركات

  4. What is the difference Ramadan Mubarak without? Free chickens from the sky falling?


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