
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hazem Abd El Azim is out of the new cabinet

Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim will not be the minister of telecommunications in the cabinet , he was just being informed by this 3 hours ago in Cairo. According to Abdel Azim he was excluded due to security reasons in reference to the report published by Youm 7 tabloid yesterday and accused him of working with Israeli company !!?
That dirty newspaper of claimed that Hazem Abdel Azim is the CEO of CIT company which has some deals with some Israeli company and that Abdel Azim met some Israeli businessman in Taba in 2009. It also hinted that he was appointed in ITIDA thanks to his connections to former PM Ahmed Nazif’s wife Zeinab Zaki.
Ok here Dr. Abdel fired back at these accusations.
Now Hazem Abdel Azim founded in 2001 a small company for developing Arabic  mobile phone applications and it used to be called “IMAGiNET” and either in 2004 or 2005 an Egyptian company called “CIT” acquired the company and named it “CIT MOBiDOV”. CIT has not foreign or Israeli investors and currently Abdel Azim owns 5% of the “MOBiDOV” which is a very small share that does not have any effect.
In 2007 he was appointed as the advisor of the minister of communications and information technology Tarek Kamel by the minister himself not the prime minister. In 2009 he used to head ITIDA and his position in the ministry had become deputy minister.  Abdel Azim left ITIDA in 2010 in the same year Zeinab Zaki married Ahmed Nazif.
Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim supported Mohamed ElBaradei in 2010 only to find that state security threatening him.
Abdel Azim and ElBaradei
Now for the record I used to work in PR agency and from couple of years ago we had some IT company as a client and thus we were following the news of telecommunication sector in Egypt for about 2 years and so I know Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim and Zeinab Zaky from the media before Dr. Hazem would leave ITIDA and Zeinab Zaky would become Mrs. Nazif. Abdel Azim used to head ITIDA before Zeinab Zaky would become Mrs. Nazif. I repeat this a testimony in front of God
When I see it now and when I connect the dots I believe that this report was published deliberately in order to find a reason to exclude him. Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim freaked out SCAF without doubt with his frankness in Yosri Fouda’s show “Last Talk”
Dr. Hazem speaks up on ON TV
The man called for having a civilian minister for interior and promised to work for electoral voting for Egyptians abroad. He also called for pressing on SCAF. Many people believe that he should not speak in that way before swearing as a minister , well you do not know. May be this was better. He lost a position and won the admiration of millions. Already I consider having him in the ministry as a big hope for democratic Egypt.
I do not need to remind you with what happened at the Israeli embassy , I do not need to remind you with the gas that being exported to Israel , I do not need to remind you with the strategic treasure of Israel that is going to have a military funeral if he dies. I do not need to speak Hussein Salem , it is just too provoking.
Enough of Youm 7 indeed , this newspaper and websites are owned by Safwat El Sherif and Mamdouh Ismail’s runaway sons. Please report their twitter account @Youm7 as a spam. Enough of this tabloid press in Egypt. I would like to remind you with their gem about SEFON Sports in 2009
Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim , you have the right to sue Youm 7 and teach them a lesson as respectable people are not to messed with for other gains , please sue in order to send a message to those who really did not want you in the cabinet that people’s reputations are not a game.
We may not have Dr. Hazem as minister of telecommunications in this ill fated cabinet but insh Allah we will have him as a minister  in a free elected cabinet.


  1. حزنت جدا لخروجه من الوزارة عموما خروجه بسبب تقرير امني تشريف له من الواضح انه نوع من الانتقام لتصريحاته مع يسري فوده و محاوله لتشويه ميدان التحريرو من يأتون منه ، لقد خسر وزاره و كسب مكانه في قلوب الناس . اتفق معكي عند وصفك اليوم السابع بالجريده القذره انا و الحمد لله قاطعتها كذلك العديد من معارفي ، اخيرا شكرا جزيلا للمقال

  2. Hi,

    I just need to tell you some stuff:
    1. the company name is CIT global
    2. upon CIT buying Imaginet, they changed its name to CIT Global - MobiDiv (short for Mobile Division)
    3. Hazem was the first to ever create an arabization engine on Windows Mobile.
    4. Hazem is a real genius, actually i have worked with him and his team.
    5. I actually worked for MobiDiv at some point in time in my life.
    5.5 HAazem's contribution to MobiDiv (with his 5%) is minimal, and is only for R&D
    6. When the news was out about Hazem becoming the minister, a former colleague of ours who use to belong and work hard for the NDP before the revolution calls up, and asked about the name of the company which we used to work in with Hazem.
    you need to make the math on the above. and i am sure you will have something very nice to add.

    1. What was this colleague's name ? Actually I knew the full story by chance in Aug 2015 , after 4 yrs . The whole Play was executed by an Intelligence Officer named Momen Helmy. Now in Charge of All Media Control and Monopoly of CC Regime. He was the one that sent the fake story to the media. perhaps he used one of the former guys to get any info to fabricate the story .. The message to the media back in july 2011 (Wafd + Youm7 ) is that this story has to be all over Egypt in no time. He had orders that I should be out of the Cabinet quickly before the Oath.

  3. تعليق اخر لماذا كل وزير يظهر مع يسري فوده يخرج من الوزاره اليوم التالي يسري سره باتع.
    ملحوظه ; احترم و احب يسري فوده لكن القافيه تحكم ، اذا وجدت التعليق غير مناسب لا تنشريه و سأتفهم ذلك

  4. لمجرد مقالة سخيفة يقصى الدكتور حازم، ويبقى العيسوي بعد حلقة توك شوز التي أظهرت أنه لا يفقه شيئا وأن توفيق عكاشة يدعمه. ماذا يعني هذا؟

  5. He is really smart and talented person, I had a small chat with him in Tahrir last Friday and could easily see how honest and honorable he is. I think the SCAF postponed the swearing in of the ministers to be able to undermine Essam Sharaf's choices and give time to the NDP dirty media dogs to take them down, this happened with 3 candidates so far and there are rumors that the fourth is on the way.......what a shame

  6. تمثليةشرف بقت مملة ولا تتطاق

  7. New man for the job:

    "Mohamed Salem: minister of communications. Salem is a former military officer who graduated from the Military Institute of Technolgy in 1970. His resume reflects a long track record of experience in information technology and security. He has lectured for years on these issues at Cairo University and currently serves as chairman of the International Conference on Information Technology." Ahram

    Need to say more? Military man to the rescue. They was never going to give that post for Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim.

  8. Hazem Abdelazim is a good guy but he is just not a minister material. He did have ties to Nazif and his wife. Remember Nazif's relationship with Zeinab was from before he married her. Whatever the case is, his appointment was because of recommendations from Nazif's people and that cannot be good. Whatever the case may be, he doesn't really need to be a minister. he can just be a normal person like others. and chances of him being appointed with a new president is zero. I understand the urge to name someone u know in the cabinet, but still he is not a good man for the cabinet at this time. I probably will not read your comment because I stumbled upon it by accident. but nice blog.


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