
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Khaled Said new autopsy report is actually old

There is news online that the new Khaled Said’s autopsy report thanks to a tweet from Shorouk News. According to the tweet the new autopsy report prepared by Dr. Ayman Fouad , the former chief of forensic  proves that the marijuana packet was put inside Khaled Said’s mouth by force after his death. Based on that autopsy allegedly published in Al Wafd newspaper Khaled Said was murdered. “I could not find the link in Al Wafd portal”

I have to hint out that this is not the official final autopsy report the court ordered a committee from university autopsy professors to prepare last week and to present in the next court hearing in September. This is not the first we hear and know about this report.

Now I have to ask : Why did the Wafd newspaper publish this report now when the court will resume the trial next September !?!? 

I just find the timing of the this news very interesting ; as if to absorb the public anger concerning the shooting of the protesters case. It is just like that news about how the minister of interior will announce changes in the ministry by mid July.

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