
Thursday, July 7, 2011

A New minister of information again !?

Sharaf with Heikal today
Source : Al Ahram 
So PM Sharaf met today journalist Osama Heikal , the editor in chief of Al Wafd newspaper at the cabinet HQ today and it was not for interview but another thing. It seems that Osama Heikal is being nominated to become the minister of information in Egypt !!
According to statement published in Al Masry Al Youm Heikal is going to restructure the Egyptian media "do not ask me how or what !? The cabinet or rather SCAF decided to restore this position in order to fight these negative aspects appeared in the media !!
According to Youm 7 sources "highly doubtful"this is just a temporary post till we pass this time of media chaos!!
I am sure from that but according what I read earlier Heikal was the military correspondent of Al Wafd newspaper as well as an advisor for some minister of environmental affairs during the Mubarak regime.
The ministry of information was cancelled in Sharaf's cabinet. We have not had a minister of information since February 21st and it was actually great !!
I do not get why SCAF and the cabinet insist on provoking us before this Friday. Already one of our demands this Friday is to clean the media from Muabrak's regime orphans.
Activists are sharing his column by Haikel published on January 24th in Al Wafd to prove that he was against January 25th protests that turned in to a revolution.

1 comment:

  1. "The cabinet or rather SCAF decided to restore this position in order to fight these negative aspects appeared in the media !!"

    One who can't take criticism should not be leader. Removing freedoms is always easy, getting them back is hard.


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