
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The return of Shafik !!

Former PM /Unofficial potential presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik remerged again to the public life.. officially.
In a very surprising appearance Shafik showed up today at the graduation of class 78 from the Egyptian air forces academy , it could not a big surprise because Shafik was the longest serving commander of air forces in Egypt “from year 1996 to year 2002” but it is a big surprise considering the fact he was seated besides the chief of staff !!
Shafik on the left hand of Anan
Why there is a space between Anan and Tantawy 
It is a big surprise considering the criticism that reaches to hate from the revolutionaries towards Shafik. It is a big surprise considering the fact that Shafik is currently facing corruption charges the public prosecution currently investigating.

It is a provocation when we see Shafik besides Anan and on the far side of the row minister of military production Siyad Mashal we do not want to see in the cabinet again at the same moment !! It is a provocation that sends message we do not know if it is intended or unintended in the worst time ever. It is as if SCAF supports Shafik as a president candidate or as if it reminds us on how it listened to our demand to kick Shafik from the cabinet !?
I will think in a very logic way and would say that the invitations for such event are sent usually couple of weeks before still why Shafik was seated besides Anan !? Is this a way to honor the man !?
From Nany Atef 
And the headline I chose for this post reminds me with this old but gold sketch

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  1. I didn't know it before.. But I swear my jaw just dropped for a moment..
    I mean.. He was rude enough when he declared that he was running for presidency..
    Can't he just be any RUDER?!

  2. It was rude when he claimed that what happened in January, wasn't a revolution.

  3. as long as he is bieng invistigatd only,then he is a free man.we are practicing emotional democracy,it will destroy our dreams of real democratic life,zenobia why dont u cool down a bit

  4. Folks, there is nothing wrong with that. This He is in denial. This does not mean anything..

  5. "Folks, there is nothing wrong with that. This He is in denial. This does not mean anything."

    There weren't if the SCAF didn't treat him like best-bud.

    I think the problem with SCAF and this revolution is actually simple. The people in the SCAF is beneficiaries and they are old, they have no clue what this revolution is about! For instance why on earth it has taken so long to achieve basic human right: "Civilians should not be prosecuted in military court." (Currently as one demand in Tahrir)

    If this revolution has one guideline it is widening human rights in Egypt. Now looking from this angle, what have the SCAF done to improve human rights? They could if they just wanted avoid people being prosecuted in military court.

    Quite frankly I think SCAF in it's ignorance still thinks it is only body that could rule the country.

  6. This is an airforce event and he is a former commander of the airforce. What do you want? Stop the hysteria.


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