
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This was Gaza Not Serbia

So the Egyptian TV published a photo for April 6th Youth Movement spokesperson Mohamed Adel claiming that it was taken in Serbia where he received a military training , he was standing with a big gun.
Well it seems that the Egyptian TV is still doing what it is best at : Lying
That photo was already cropped to show Adel only without the old lady standing besides him, whom by all measures can’t be a Serbian not to mention that the date of the picture and its story proves the innocence of Adel from that training.
With Um Nadal
That photo was taken in January 2008 during a solidarity to Gaza and the lady standing with Adel is the famous Um Nadal who lost 5 sons during the fight with Israel . That weapon Adel was holding was her son's weapon.

You can see the Palestinian posters behind
There was no April 6th Youth movement then.After that visit he was arrested in November 2008 in the same year because of it , actually he was abducted from home to stay in jail for 4 months because of that visit.
Mohamed Adel is a former Muslim brotherhood member and is a follow blogger since a very long time known as Mr. Meit.
April 6th Youth movement has filed an official report in the public prosecutor office demanding to investigate the movement , the movement also filed an official complaint to the military prosecution against Major General El-Rowainy. Some sources spoke about unconfirmed news that SCAF will show documents incriminating the movement !! I think this can be a psychological warfare more than anything. Again the founders of the movement did not deny their visit to Serbia.
It is sad that when SCAF of the Egyptian army creates an enemy from a movement like April 6th Movement which actually gained more popularity after losing some of its former position especially after the split with in the movement. Oh yes you got two fronts now : The front of Ahmed Maher and the front of Amr Ezzat.
It is not enough that the political parties and groups stand with April 6th movement but the people themselves must know that , yes the people of the silent majority everybody disrespect and despise nowadays.
Mubarak’s trial will be on August 3rd,2011
God be with Egypt


  1. saw this photo on FB posted by an Egyptian friend and the comments were not great at all by my foreigner friends since they thought he is a thug! but i wrote the truth about the photo and when it was taken and who was the lady standing next to him and how great this woman and her Martyr sons did for the cause of Palestine in Gaza. Why he was holding the rifle which belong to the woman's Martyr son and how he was prison because of his visit to Gaza. how easy a person life could be tarnished by just a photo! but am glad the truth came out about it.

  2. He studied not in Serbia but in Gaza.What difference where he studied, the result is important to present any fact, as it will be convenient to you.


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