
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yahia El Gamal Resigns along bunch of other good news

  • Vice PM Dr. Yahia El Gamal has resigned and his resignation was accepted.
  • The Tahrir complex will be opened tomorrow thanks to our protesters.
  • The supreme council of judiciary issued a historical decision : The trials will be  publicly on screens set up outside the courts. 
  • There is currently huge peaceful protest “Hope it would continue in this way” in front of the cabinet. You can watch it live here.
  • There are parallel protests in Alexandria , Al Arish , Asuit and of course Suez.
  • Former minister of agriculture Youssef Wali was arrested today and detained for 15 days pending investigation. 
  • The PM ordered the immediate release of  Martyr Mohamed Zein El Abdeen's brother after knowing his case. Zein El Abdeen's brother was arrested after attacking a police officer who kicked his mother on June 27th event. I hope that the police officer who attacked that lady is being punished. 
I will keep this post updated because we need more good news today.

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