
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ali El Salmi : The real shadow PM

Have you noticed lately how much attention is currently being given to  Dr. Ali El Salmi , the current deputy Prime minister for democratic transition issues in the media ?

The news of El Salmi and his activities have actually highlighted more than the news and activities of PM Essam Sharaf in the mainstream media lately in the past 3 weeks to the level I wonder if El Salmi is being prepared to become the next PM.

PM Essam Sharaf’s health is not that good and judging from the cabinet’s reshuffle , the new governors and the last fiasco the Egyptian government’s statement from Sinai “The final official Egyptian stand from Sinai has not been announced yet”, Sharaf is not in control of the show. The show is in the hands of SCAF. Sooner or later he will have to leave especially that he is losing more and more of his popularity.I think that El Salmi is being groomed to become the next PM of Egypt after Sharaf.

The new Supra-constitutional debate or rather the constitutional debates made gain a strong position in the media despite it made him gain new opponents : The Salafists and the Islam group that called him now the “enemy of Islam” !!

Before the revolution El Salmi was the shadow PM of the El Wafd shadow Party cabinet that the Mubarak’s regime media mocked badly , now he seems to be the real shadow PM for me . Like Shara , Ali El Salmi served as a state minister for administrative development “1977-1978” and as as state minister for supervision and follow up “1978-1979”.  He currently owns an international school “I believe it is Smart International School.”

The problem is not X or Y or Z to become the Prime minister in this stage but rather the powers given to the prime minister and his ability to take decisions without returning to SCAF in non national security matters.


  1. nice 1 @zenobia ... yet ur example of X, y or Z reminded me of shafiq :D


  2. Now that you mention it, I believe you are right, it looks like he's gonna be the next PM after all.


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