
Sunday, August 21, 2011

#Flagman : Our Egyptian Spiderman "Updated"

At 2 AM in the morning I found my iPhone twitter application sending notifications that made me get up from my bed and see what it was going on , it should be something big ; well it turns out that there is something big indeed but not a sad thing.
A young man has climbed the 13 floors without a rope till he reached to the Israeli embassy floor’s balcony and brought down the Israeli flag to put the Egyptian flag instead of it.
Nobody knew that young man or how he was but we were all afraid on him from failing, from being arrested but mainly from failing because we are speaking about 13 floors at night without a rope !! Nice people living in one of the floors opened their balcony for him so he could come down through the elevator and take some rest. When he came down , he was arrested by the military police whom I believe wanted to know who , why and how in the first place he managed to do what he had done. Of course down at the embassy’s entrance thousands were cheering and waiting for their hero that was being called “#Flagman”. When they saw him detained by the Military police , they screamed “We want him, we want him" thus the MP released so he would be received like a hero carried over shoulders.
Al Masry Al Youm exclusive footage
Now this Spiderman is non other Ahmed El-Shahat , a 23 years old young from Sharkia who though for not less than 3 hours while standing at the bridge confronting the embassy’s building on how he could do it even if it would cost him his life. El-Shahat got in to the building during the switch of shifts through the building next to it. He said that when he was on the eighth floor he found an officer standing in some window with a weapon , Shahat gave him an ok sign and the officer replied back with an ok sign.
Al Jazeera Mubshar speaks to Ahmed Shahat
I believe Ahmed El-Shahat was the young man who used to climb the street lights at the heart of Tahrir square especially on July 8th. 
On July 8th By Ahmed Shokair 
This is the first time something like this happens in Egypt by all means , I think in the world as well for someone to climb like that to bring down the flag of another country.
Some shot for the inauguration of the embassy in 1980
Updated :
Here is a Facebook Fan page dedicated to Ahmed El Shahat. 
Close up photos by Jonathan Rashad
Ahmed Shahat was the hero 'Jonathan Rashad'
Closer to Shahat by "Jonathan Rashad"
Celebratory fireworks "Jonathan Rashad"
The protesters launched fireworks since last Friday's night in order to reach to the flag and burn it.
El-Shahat turns to be a house painter who is not a political activist.
Tonight there will be a sohoor held on the honor of Shahat at Egypt's Renaissance statue at 11 PM Cairo local time in front of the Israeli embassy.
El Shahat is officially a star in Facebook ,now young Egyptians are doing these graphics to honor him.
Ahmed El Shahat, the flag's hero 
The Egyptian flag is still hanged at the Israeli embassy.
This looks like our flag-By Ahmed Alish 
Ok boys and girls here is the clearest video showing Ahmed El Shahat while climbing the building , you must watch.

Here are two videos showing him while climbing the building

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  1. It is just a violation of diplomatic immunity. Either you protect a foreign Embassy or you are incapable of respecting the minimum standards of international rules. Ah - of course! - Egypt is above all rules, a lawless country!

  2. Anonymous said...

    هاو هاو هاو
    8/21/2011 05:06:00 PM

    Zeinobia the flag was on the 21st floor

  3. Diplomatic immunity?!!! Respecting the minimum standards of international rules?!!! Sir, are you serious? Israel is the country that continually violating international laws! Ironically, I can see Israel as a lawless country in an occupied territory!! A country which can't show respect, can't be shown respect!

  4. @Anonymous 8/22/2011 12:25:00AM
    Egypt has been ruled since 30 years by a government that tortured, killed and wrongfully arrested tens of thousands! Instead of bringing the culprits to justice and to re-build a once important nation, Egyptians climb on buildings, finger virgins and are now ruled by a military commander who has an amazing resemblance with Ramsis I (just ab bit less desicated of course).
    What do you mean by "respect"?

  5. fuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkk israel

  6. fuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkk egypt


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