
Friday, August 5, 2011

Indeed a Historical day

Did you see the headlines of the newspapers , the Egyptian newspapers yesterday !? These are historical headlines describing a historical moment we will always remember in our lives.
Al Ahram headline on Front page 4/8
Al Ahram : Mubarak and his regime in the fist
of justice 
Al Shorouk daily frontpage headline 4/8
Al Shorouk : "You become to those who succeed you
a sign" 10:92 Yunis 
Tahrir front page headline 4/8
Al Tahrir : "O' Allah , owner of sovereignty to whom
you will and take sovereignty away from whom you will"
3:26 Ali Imran 
Al Masry Al Youm headline on August 4th
Al Masry Al Youm : The pharaoh in a cage : I am here 
For the first time in the history the Egyptian people see their pharaoh ,their ruler stands a trial in history. Many Egyptians compared Mubarak and what happened to him to Moses’ pharaoh and how God made him a lesson to the world. Many Egyptians and as well Arabs used Quranic verses showing the end of tyrannies.
Our Arab brothers were more proud and happy to see one of the Arab rulers standing in front of a court. He was standing in front of a civilian court , normal court like any citizen. He was not called president anymore , he was called by his name.
Now because we are Egyptians there are certain things we could not ignore in the first session of the trial :
  • Mubarak’s few historical words “ I am here” have become a mobile phone ringing tone in less than 24 hours.
  • Habib El Adly’s evil looks to the camera.
  • Alaa Mubarak did not speak to his dad but Gamal spoke to him all the time. Some newspaper claims that Mubarak spoke to Alaa once where Alaa actually was a messenger between him and Habib El Adly.
  • Alaa Mubarak blocked the TV camera in his way out.
Alaa Mubarak tries to block the camera
  • How military police brigade general saluted the suspects including Habib El Adly who is officially convicted. “Updated : Minister of interior Mansour Eissawy has decided to punish all those police officers who saluted the suspects and the convicted that warmly on that day , nothing from the military police
Habib El Adly leaving the court like a star
That Brigade general is familiar face to Tahrir protesters . He is being accused of supervising the torture of protesters at the Egyptian museum , supervising the attack on the Mass communication sit in and supervising the battle of Abassaya where he was filmed while accusing a protester of being paid to come.  “A 23 years old young man called Mohamed Mohsen died today from the head injury he got on that day”
According to some sources that officer is allegedly Mamdouh Abu El Khair who is the assistant of Hamdy Baden , the head of military police. This brigade general forgot that he gets his salary from the Egyptian taxpayers aka the Egyptian people , nevertheless hopefully he will learn a lesson as his photos are now all over the globe.
I do not understand why these suspects are not handcuffed according to the Egyptian law and why they are so warmly like that but thank God all this was transferred on air and uploaded later online on YouTube and Facebook.
Of course strangely it was removed from several YouTube channels few hours later
  • That lawyer that claimed that Mubarak had been actually dead since 2005 and that man was his double hired by America and Israel. That lawyer is called Hamed Sadiq and he is being saying this for real. We do not know how he was let in or why he was let but he made Mubarak smile for a while.
Hamdi Sadiq : Mubarak passed away in 2004 !!
Now according to sources I know which are based on foreign reporters’ sources that attend the trial , Mubarak was fine and walking before laying on the stretcher. By all measures Mubarak looks fine than how El Deeb described him in the past month. Body language experts are saying that that attitude he showed that he did not give damn can be actually resulted from depression. All agreed that Gamal Mubarak is still arrogant but Alaa Mubarak was nervous as if he was hiding something. “Not his dad from the cameras”

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