
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Libyan Revolution : Libya Will celebrate the Eid Tomorrow

Despite Qaddafi is no longer ruling Libya , our dear neighbor country is not celebrating the Eid with us as it will celebrate it tomorrow. Of course the Libyan astronomers can be right. Anyhow Libyans are celebrating the Eid earlier this month with the ousting of Qaddafi or rather his escape. Of course the real Eid for them is when Qaddafi is caught or killed.
Yesterday Algeria admitted officially that the 31 members of the Qaddafi clan including his wife Safia , his daughter Aisha , his sons Mohamed and Hannibal crossed the borders yesterday after waiting for the Algerian authorities’ approval for nearly 12 hours. The members of Qaddafi clan were granted a special pass by Algerian president Bouteflika especially that no one among this caravan is wanted by the ICC and Aisha Qadddafi is pregnant in her 9th month. The Algerian press claims that Aisha Qaddafi’s health condition was critical and this was why the Algerian president allowed them to enter the country. Also there were many children allegedly “Qaddafi’s grandchildren” in the caravan.
Allegedly the Qaddafis are currently allowed to stay in Illizi province in South East Algeria and are not allowed to stay in the Capital Algiers . Aisha Qaddafi has reportedly given birth to a baby girl today in Djanet district. By the way did you see the video of her wedding ? Did you see Suzanne Mubarak and Heidi Raskh in the wedding  ?
Despite that Hannibal El Qaddafi and his wife Aline Skaf are not wanted from the ICC but what they had done to Shwegya Mullah is enough to incriminate them.”Graphic content”

This is not the first time Hannibal and Aline involve in torturing a maid , we all remember when the Libyan Swiss crisis when they were convicted of torturing their maid in 2008.
Aline Skaf 
It seems that Hannibal and his wife are true sadistic couple. Aline Skaf is a former Lebanese model whom I could not find an appropriate photo to share except that one. Thanks to the Lebanese tabloids we know that Aline’s relation was unsurprisingly violent with ups and downs. Allegedly she claims that she married him in 2003 after being his girlfriend for a while.She gave birth to Hannibal jr. in 2005 their first child in 2005.  That year was a touch one for Aline as she was reportedly beaten badly Hannibal in Paris then he gave her couple of millions then she gave birth to Hannibal jr. !!  In 2008 Hannibal and Aline returned back to the attention of the tabloid world when he had beaten her in London in December 2009 at the Claridges hotel. Hannibal broke her nose on that day and the police was called by the hotel because of Aline’s screams in the luxury suite. There is no doubt that Skaf herself is a victim of abuse.
Aline Skaf tried to return back to Lebanon during the revolution but the Lebanese authorities refused to allow her jet to land in the airport.
The Qaddafis and their women are true treasure for psychiatrists indeed !! I feel like Adel Hammouda !!
Now Sky News reported that the last time Qaddafi was seen in Tripoli was last Friday before heading to Southern desert. Khamis El Qaddafi was reportedly killed for the 4th time this year and the second time in less than a week !!  No one will believe that Khamis El Qaddafi is really killed except when there is a video or a photo that says so.
Anyhow here is a video showing the famous tent of Qaddafi in Bab Al Aziziyah set on fire.
Tripoli : Setting the tent of Qaddafi on fire
Another video you will be interesting to see is Mutassim El Qaddafi’s palace in Ain Zara area.
Tripoli : Al Mutassim El Qaddafi palace
Despite it was torched and looted you can imagine how luxurious it is based  on its classic Italian style. Of course I do not understand that prince of Persia : Warrior with in wall mural !!!!! I hate these gold domes at the building. That glass dome pad that looks as it sprang from some kind Sci-Fi is more than interesting and stylish.
The photos of Qaddafi’s private jet are online hit, to be honest I do not find the photos are quite shocking but bit of vulgar.
The NTC has given the Pro-Qaddafi till Saturday to surrender in peace.
Now despite I hate to share bad news in the Eid yet I can’t ignore the distributing news that not less than 150 Egyptians have been killed on the hands of Qaddafi troops in the jail from torture since last March for now reason except that they are Egyptians !!
BY the way till when the foreign media will refer to the Libyan people who stood against Qaddafi as rebels !!?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the Libyans are right because the moon couldn't have been seen on Monday evening in Egypt!


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