
Friday, August 26, 2011

Martyrs Behind Bars : What Really happened in the prisons Late January 2011

The Egyptian initiative for personal rights “EIPR” Human rights organization released yesterday a very important short documentary yesterday “Martyrs behind bars”

“Martyrs behind bars” is a 15 minutes documentary about the crimes committed by the security authorities against the inmates in specific 5 prisoners. These prisons are “Tora” prison , “The appeal” prison in Cairo, “El Kata” prison in Giza, “Shabeen El Kom” in Monufia and “Al Baadaiya” in Damnhur starting from Janaury . These prisons did not witness mass escape case but rather mass autocracies. The documentary got English subtitles so you can watch and share world wide.

EIPR : Maryts Behind Bars during Egypt’s Revolution

The documentary includes clips from inside the prisons themselves taken by the inmates' cellphones including footage during the revolution itself when you can hear the gun shots , you can also footage for the injured inmates who did not received any medical treatment at all , you can see also the sheriff of some prison with his men in one of the clips. You can see the testimony of the inmates on how police general Mohamed El Batran killed by the authorities when he tried to save them and refused to open the prison by the orders of El Adly.

The documentary as you can see include the testimonies of the relatives of those inmates got killed by police forces in the jails.About 100 inmates were killed in those jails in those days and the public prosecution office has not opened a serious investigation. “Look what happened to El Batran case”

These inmates are Egyptians , they are humans and what happened in these prisons by the security forces are against religions , human rights law , International prisons standards and Egyptian laws as well. Do not expect these officers who committed these crimes in the prisons to protect you in your houses.

EIPR issued a report along with the documentary , it is still in Arabic and sooner it will be in English.

The MOI has not reacted yet to the documentary nor report.

As a human rights organization with responsbility towards the society in the end of the report EIPR demanded the government to form an independent fact finding committees about these autocracies and to compensate the victims from the injured inmates and the families of the inmates who were killed in these crimes. It also demanded the public prosecutor to assign a judge to investigate in the incidents and to refer all those officers involved in these crimes as soon as possible to the criminal court. Not so surprisingly the famous NGO demanded the MOI to stick to the Egyptian laws and international standards and to suspend all those officers accused till proven otherwise.

EIPR already presented an initiative to reform the police taske force before.

If you are interested in knowing more about the documentary and the testimonies , you can contact follow blogger and human rights activist Ramy Raoof :


  1. You do a great job -- hope you never let up letting the world know what you know.

  2. هذه قضيه خطيره لانها مفتاح تطهير وزاره الداخليه و خطوة هامه لاقامه دوله العدل في مصر ، شكرا لالقاء الضوء علي تلك القضيه الهامه


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