
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mubarak’s trial : History making for real “Live blogging”

According to many Egyptian TV channels as well as news sources the air jet that will transfer former/ousted president Mubarak from Sharm El Sheikh to Cairo.
Some sources say that he will be transferred by the presidency airplane “Why is that !?” while other sources like Youm 7 claim that he will be transferred by military air jets either CH-47 Chinook or C-130 as both are medically equipped. Another source has claimed from short time ago that Mubarak has already arrived at the Maadi hospital. I believe he will be transferred in a military jet and will land at the police academy itself has got a runaway.
The trial of the century in Egypt will start at 9 AM. The Egyptian TV will transfer the trial on air exclusively. Only very few martyrs’ families will attend the trial along small number of lawyers compared to the lawyers of the suspects “60 lawyers !!”
Local and foreign reporters are facing hard time to get permits , very few got these lucky permits. There will big screens outside the academy and supreme court. Many people will go outside the academy in New Cairo even thought they will not be let in. Many Egyptians and Arabs are waiting for this moment , you can watch on air here from Nile News.
Al Akhbar Newspaper claims that Mubarak will appear behind the bars sitting on a wheel chair. Of course we forgot that he will not appear alone but Alaa and Gamal Mubarak will show up along with Habib El Adly and his men insh Allah. Transferring that group from Tora will make traffic like hell in Cairo.
The Salem tunnel will be closed till the academy reportedly and no car will passed except by permits.
Mubarak supporters want to form a cordon around the academy to protect their hero. !!
Most people can’t believe that Mubarak will attend , many people on twitter believe that it will be a fake trial. While others include me feel that they are in front of a big historical moment that probably the first of its kind for real in modern history.
Insh Allah Mohamed Hosni Mubarak will be the first ex-president ousted by his own people to stand trial according to the civil law in a civilian court.
This is something that has not happened before in modern history , all the presidents and kings faced trials were either faced international trials in special courts like , were faced revolutionary trials later history labeled as unjust and even were assassinated by the revolutionaries before the trials. I can’t compare Saddam Hussein’s trial to this because Saddam Hussein was not ousted by his people , the trial was held in an occupation.
Now Judge Ahmed Rafaat , the man who heads the court turns to be a very respectable honest man according to his history.
Tomorrow will be just an introductory session , it will be adjourned unexpectedly and according to Rafaat it will be fast and just case.
Again this is history making , insh Allah we are doing it again.
See insh Allah after couple of hours.
This moment will be not only for the #Jan25 Martyrs but all the victims of Mubarak who got cancer , who were drowned in the sea , who were killed and tortured , this moment will be for Egypt
Update :
@9:10 AM  Mubarak has arrived to the courtroom in an army ambulance. We have not seen him though yet I think he is on a wheelchair. There are special forces from the army protecting the ambulance.
The ambulance from Al Jazeera
"By Sultan El Qassemi"
There are Mubarak supporters outside the court , along with martyrs of families and normal Egyptians.
The court room is on Egyptian Now , a lot of lawyers on the suspects' side , there are empty bunches though. No suspect has arrived in the courtroom which being divided between Mubarak's supporters and normal Egyptians with a fence.
Mubarak supporters  "Reuters"
Outside the court room the Mubarak supporters and the anti-Mubarak's supporters hurled stones at each other.
@9:25 AM Mubarak's lawyers are there while he is resting in some room outside. The judges have not arrived yet. The Mubarak supporters are attacking the martyrs' families and the anti Mubarak supporters again with bottles and stones. Man is reportedly injured. It is getting nasty as the anit Mubarak supporters managed to get some Mubarak posters to tear it down.
Out of 600 only 341 were allowed to enter. 
Mubarak's supporters fight
by Sherine T
The court room
by "Sultan El Qassemi"
Wael Al Abrashi and other reporters are there . Lawyers Khaled Abu Bakr and Gamel Eid are there.

Time Magazine reporter Abigail Hauslohner was attacked by Pro-Mubarak supporter because she is a foreigner and hit her in the face.
@10 AM
Mubarak has entered the cage on a bed , he is conscious. He is fine and his hair is dyed and he shaved his beard. Alaa and Gamal Mubarak entered before him along with Habib El Adly. Gamal Mubarak is still cooky.
Mubarak is speaking to his sons who are standing in front of the camera.
Habib El Adly, Gamal and Alaa Mubarak "Aly Amer"
10:7 AM The court started and the suspects are being called. The judge warned from any noise in court room.
10:18 AM The lawyers of the first group of defendants announce their attendance. The defendants include Habib El Adly and his policemen.
Here is the clip showing Mubarak entering the cage.

Microphones were handed to the defended and their lawyers.
@11:05 AM The court will see 3 cases , the first case of El Adly and his men , the first seven defendants whose lawyers are currently speaking with demands. One of the lawyers is demanding the testimonies of Omar Soliman and Tantawy.
Mubarak is picking up his nose.
One of his sons kissed his forehead.
@11:16 AM
The court is having a rest now.
There are 23 lawyers for the defendants who demanded the testimony of not less than 500 witnesses including Omar Soliman , Tantawy and Eissawy.
The martyrs' lawyers were promised to attend the court next time according to the judge.
The clashes between the Pro and Anti Mubarak supporters are still there, the Mubarak supporters reportedly destroyed the screen outside the police academy. The police arrested those causing riots from both teams or rather detained.
A better shot for Mubarak-AP
Many Arabs and Egyptians are watching the trial , the traffic is smooth in Cairo thanks to the fact that people are watching the trial on TVs and online through live stream websites.
Habib El Adly-Reuters 
Gamal and Alaa Mubarak 
All people are expecting the trial to be adjourned.
@11:34 AM The suspects are back again in the cage now.
@11:38 AM The court is held again after the rest.
@11:41 AM The victims' lawyers are now speaking with their requests and demands. Alaa and Mubarak are blocking the camera in an annoying way.
@11:47 AM The prosecution has at last spoken about Hosni Mubarak , Alaa and Gamal Mubarak along with Hussein Salem's charges. Mubarak is accused of being an accomplice with Habib El Adly in killing the protesters during the revolution using live ammunition. Among the other crimes Mubarak and his sons are facing is the export of gas to Israel. The accusation includes the bribes of Salem to the Mubaraks "Villas in Sharm"
@11:58 AM Mohamed Hosni Muabrak has denied all the charges. For the first time he speaks on public since God knows when to say "Effendim" { I am here}. 
Alaa and Gamal Mubarak have denied the charges. There is something wrong with their voices. 
Here is the historical moment.

@12:37 PM The victims' lawyers are demanding the following : The testimonies of Omar Soliman, Tantawy and Sami Anan along the former minister of telecommunications.
Most of these lawyers are terrible , more than terrible. We got a man who wants the finger prints of the Mubarak because they do not have a criminal sheet. Another man or rather madman demands a DNA test to that man in the cage because he is not Mubarak as Mubarak had been dead since 2005 !!! Mubarak smiled when he heard it , he has to !!

 Very few spoke well , the judge is irritated and I can't blame him 
@12:40 PM Farid El Dib is demanding 1700 witnesses to prove his clients innocence including the governors o 
Farid El Dib also claims that Field Marshal Tantawy has been in control of the country since January 28th , I think the dirty war has become but honestly I believe Mubarak was in control of the country in the first early days. 
#Mubaraktrial has become an international twitter trend , we made it again again. 
@12:48 PM The court has adjourned for deliberation , Mubarak is moved outside the courtroom. I believe the judge will adjourn the trial to couple of days still may be Hussein Salem will be sentenced because officially he is a runaway. 
@1:01 PM Mubarak is going to stay at the police academy's hospital 
Israeli newspapers are reporting that Ben Elizer offered Mubarak an asylum in Eilat.  Mubarak declined the generous offer from his best friend , the murderer of our prisoners of war in 1967.
Here is a shot for people outside the academy who watch the trial through big screens
Not less than 53 citizens were injured during the clashes between Mubarak supporters and opponents outside the court.
International press speaks on how we made history once again.
Almost all Egyptians watch this historical trial.
The State's trials authority demanded Mubarak and the rest of the suspect of one billion pound compensation.
@1:51 PM The court is back.
The trial of El Adly and his men will be adjourned to tomorrow 4/8
The trial of 3640 of Mubarak will be adjourned to 15/8 , all case papers and documents will be available for the defense team. Mubarak will be transferred to the international medical center following the army at Cairo-Ismailia highway.
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  1. Thanks for the valuable info ya gamila, I've been trying to get any credible news with no success until I read your blog :)Hind El-Hinnawy

  2. Hi Zeinobia.
    Great blog!
    Would you be ineterested in talking on BBC radio World Have Your Say at 1pm Cairo time ?
    Gabriela (dot) pomeroy (at )

  3. Excellent, Efficient and Fast.... as usual Z :)))

  4. The prosecution is weak!

  5. Tanatawi and Anin should total testify because then this movie will be complete.

  6. Prosecuting Mubarak and his immediate entourage will not change anything as long as the corrupt body he established over 30 years remains.

  7. Does anyone really doubt that this isn't a mega blockbuster worthy of the best hollyood productions? Why is Mubarak playing along and most importantly would SCAF risk a public trial if it wasn't staged?

  8. @Zeinobia "Mubarak is picking up his nose." Hahaha! Oh, you are cruel to feature that photo. :)


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