
Monday, August 22, 2011

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2011 : Prince Amber and Princess Sukar {1}

Good evening boys and girls , here is a new tale Scheherazade will enchant us with : The tale of Prince Amber and Princess Sukar.

Now our tale starts with philosophical discussion between Scheherazade and Shahryar about wars and humans , the king who used to kill his wives every night is against wars yet her wise wife believes that some wars are needed so good wins evil and her proof is the tale of prince Amber and princess Sukar.

The tale starts in the faraway amazing kingdom of Nahan where king Ghalab and his trusted old vizier/friend called Abu Baseer went in a hunting trip behind deer till they found themselves lost in nowhere with no guide or a friend. While both men were wondering on which road they should take and whether if someone would come and lead them to the safe exist , a creature appeared from that nowhere to lead. That creature is small in size with a beard bigger than his body. When they asked him for road directions , that creature tells that their only way was through a door which appears also from nowhere. The creature insists that the king and his vizier to come down from their horses and walk through the door.

Our episode tonight stops here insh Allah tomorrow we know what will happen to those two men and whether they will listen to the strange creature who seems to be from Jinn or not.

Again I can’t find a story with that title in the original One thousands and one night book which means it is another wonderful tale written by the late amazing Taher Abu Fasha May Allah bless his soul for the Egyptian radio.

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