
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sinai follow up : The Egyptian Government statement

The Egyptian cabinet has finished its urgent meeting after hours negotiations and has issued a statement about the official Egyptian government position from the killing of Egyptian policemen by the Israeli fires.
Here is a summary for the Egyptian government statement :
  • The Egyptian government will summon the Israeli ambassador officially to objet the killings and the shooting from the Israeli side that reached to the Egyptian side.
  • The Egyptian government demands an official apology from Israel.
  • The Egyptian government demands an investigation held by the two countries about the matter.
It is too diplomatic in a way that does not suit the current tension in Egypt , I think stopping the gas export to Israel will be a good reaction.
I forget to tell you in the last post that the Egyptians are actually waiting for Statement No.73 of SCAF more than the government.


  1. Does it mean that the people who came from Sinai to Israel and killed Israelis were really Egyptian soldiers?

    That's interesting. It changes the whole picture.

  2. you cannot stop the gas export, my dear. Israel did pay for the gas to Hussein Salem already for 5 years in advance.


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