
Friday, August 12, 2011

The Syrian Revolution : Homs Massacre goes on “Extremely Graphic +18”

Friday protest
And now we are in the 3rd day of the Turkish 15 days permits : Either Reforms or .. whatever !! Many Syrians believe that the Turks gave El Assad another 15 days to kill the remaining of the population and to end the revolution by the end of Ramadan !!
Today is the “We will not bow except for Allah Friday” in Syria , God bless the Syrians and protect them
Yesterday more civilians have been killed in Homs and its villages , towns and neighborhood including Children. It seems that there was an official massacre after the terrible Al Hula massacre. According to sources there are still bodies lying in the sun that the people can't remove or transfer because of the constant shooting.
Here is a video showing the destruction caused by the national Syrian Arab army and its gangs !!
Homs : Bab Homs 11/8
The following videos from Homs below are extremely graphic , please be cautious.
Homs : 9 years old Yahia Soliman
Another video showing little Yahia being prepared for his funeral that held at night.
Homs : Little Yahia prepared for the funeral
If you notice Yahia was not put in a morgue and people brought iced water to keep his body , this means that the hospitals are full and there is no place for new bodies !!
Homs : The funeral of Yahia
Here was the funeral of Yahia last night.
Homs : Victims of Bab Amr Massacre
Below is another extreme graphic video showing a kid injured in his foot , a terrible injury without doubt from last August 7th ,2011 in Al Hula Homs. I do not even dare to guess the number of injured in the Syrian revolution since last March.
Homs : In Al Hula
Nevertheless the people of Homs continued to protest even after the Fajr prayer in the early morning.
Homs : Al Khalidiya protest after the Fajr prayer
There is online twitter campaign dedicated Syria that it will start insh Allah in less than 90 minutes. The campaign’s hashtag is #Syriableeds
The story is developing..
Currently the activists are worried that there will be a new army operation in Idlib as tanks have been seen early this morning entering new cities in the governorate.
Idlib : August 12/8
The internet is reportedly still cut in the city of Hama
Updated : 

  • There are protests all over Syria currently from Daraa , to Homs to Latakia to Reef Dimshaq to Qamshli to Damascus. Of course these protests are being cracked violently by the security forces that use live ammunition and tear gas grenades. 
  • This video was shot from Aleppo from short while ago 
  • Here is a protest from Reef Dimshaq , Harasta. The security forces already opened their fire against the protesters in residential areas in the famous Zabadani city !! It is worth to mention that the famous and old resort witnessed from couple of weeks ago a big random arrest campaign. 
  • Here is a protest from Qamshli , the Syrian Kurdish populated area.
  • There is a army operation taking place in Idlib and Deir ez Zor where the army entered the cities by its full force. The Friday prayer was stopped in certain areas of the city. The Othman Ibn Afan mosque in Deir ez Zor has been turned reportedly to an army barrack !! There is a strong shelling currently in Deir ez Zor. 
  • Here is an AP report about the situation so far in Syria today
@5PM Cairo local time : 
Between 13-16 civilians have been killed so far in Syria in several cities. There are 5 martyrs in Doma including a 16 years old boy and a girl. There are 4 martyrs in Aleppo , 1 martyr in Saqba , 1 martyr in Homs and 2 in Idlib , 2 in Homs
Here is martyr from Doma , martyr Bassem Adel El-Tokhi 
Here is martyr Eyad Berkadar from Homs 
Here is a video from Harasta where you can hear heavy gunfire against the protesters.
Not less than 26,000 civilians have been detained in El Assad's prisons. 
The Syrian tweeps are spreading a story that a young injured protester was detained by the security forces who put in a refrigerator alive in a morgue, the young man wrote with his blood that they put him there alive and he was dying adding that he wanted the people to send to his mom his best regards asking her to pray. The young man was found hours later with that message. I do not know if it is true or not but I wish it is untrue because this is just too to bear !!
@5:25PM Cairo local times 
People are speaking about a death toll not less than 25 civilians !!
Even animals did not survive the death machine of El Assad regime !! This video was shot in Kafr Nabl in Idlib where is currently a large army operation. It was allegedly shot today.
Here is another civilian shot in Homa today at Mosque.
The day has not finished yet !! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for an excellent post, well done!!


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