
Monday, August 15, 2011

The Syrian Revolution : Latakia Massacre “Extremely Graphic 18+”

@9:38 AM CLT the El Assad security gangs from Shabiha , from security forces and army units have stormed Al Hula city once again. There is reportedly heavy gunfire there.
@12:02 PM CLT the shelling for the second day continues in Latakia , I do not know if it is the Syrian navy or the Syrian army. The death toll is increasing. The city is allegedly cut of the world , the communications are cut and back every now and then.
@12:46 PM CLT A 90 years old man has been killed in Al Hula , 5 are reportedly injured so far in Latakia. There is news coming from Latakia that the army forces have stormed the Palestinian refugees camp there. Here is a video from early morning in Latakia.
Latakia : Gunfire heard after Al Fajr prayer 15/8
Here is another video showing the shooting in early morning.
@1:23 PM an Emam of a mosque in Latakia was shot down by the security forces in his way to lead the Zohr prayer.
@1:40 PM The army is calling the people of El Raml area in Latakia to evacuate it because it will storm it soon !! I fear that this evacuation is trap. There is a news that a high ranking officer has defected with his unit there and that there are clashes between that defected unit and the army. The security forces are raiding houses at the Jaber area in Damascus.
@2:20 PM More videos showing a tank shelling Masbah El Shaab area in Latakia

And the shelling at Salibia quarter.
@5:34 PM CLT UNRWA spokesperson Kris Guness says around 5000 refugee fled Al Raml refugee camp, there are approximately 10,000 refugee there !! Thousands are trying to flee Al Raml area from the local as well.
More grimmer news : There are reports about 1000s of citizens in Latakia arrested,stripped from their ID and gathered in one of the stadiums in the city !! Here is a video from Latakia from few hours ago.
There has been intensive gunfire in several areas in the cities of Latakia since early morning.
In Hama and Homs many people are injured due to the continuing shelling of the Syrian bloody army in the cities.
Today is the Ramadan 15th / August 15th and since August1st/Ramadan 1st 260 documented martyrs have been killed so far including 14 women and 31 children among them toddlers.
Bashar El Assad has replaced the governor of Aleppo "as if this is important"
There has been a terrible massacre in Latakia yesterday, the Syrian navy which we never have heard any heroic has shelled the city of Latakia , oh yes shelled it from sea.
More than 50 were reportedly killed and hundreds are injured , of course I believe the death toll and injured but the death toll of course can be higher. Only 29 martyrs have been documented so far.
Here are videos showing the shelling of Latakia yesterday that was centralized at El Raml quarter.
Latakia : The shelling in early morning 14/8
Latakia : The shelling early morning 14/8
Latakia : The shelling in the early morning 14/8
Here was a Syrian navy motor torpedo boat allegedly going to shell the city of Latakia.
Latakia : a motor torpedo boat at Latakia coast 14/8
The motor torpedo boats haven surrounding the Latakia coast for three days now.
Here is a warhead of RPG used in Latakia , the Syrian army used RPG against the civilians, Syrian civilians.
Latakia : A RPF warhead 14/8
Here is a video showing the Syrian army while destroying a bridge in Latakia in order to accuse the citizens of being terrorists yesterday.
Latakia : Burning down Al Masabah bridge 14/8
Here is another video showing the traces of random shooting by security forces in the city yesterday.
Latakia : The traces of shooting in the residential areas 14/8
Below terrible graphic videos documenting the war crimes of Bashar El Assad , they are extremely graphic.
Here is a little girl called Ola Gabalawy , she was shot in her eye yesterday. She is so small.
Latakia : Ola Gabalawy killed 14/8
Even elderly did not get away from El Assad death machine. "Late martyr Hisham El Shamat"
Here is another citizen called Abdel Rahman Arygan May Allah bless his soul killed by security forces.
Latakia : Martyr Abdel Arygan 14/8
Here is young man reciting the Shahada while he was dying after being injured in Latakia.
Latakia : Reciting Shahada while dying 14/8
The El Assad death machine continued its dirty operations in Hama killing more civilians including children.
Here is a little girl shot down by El Assad forces in the city of Suran.
Hama : A child killed in Suran 14/8
Photos began to emerge showing the level of destruction , the traces of shelling in the residential areas.

According to Spanish El Pais the Spanish PM offered an asylum to El Assad in Spain secretly.
Now back to Cairo , here is a beautiful clip showing an amazing Egyptian young man who stormed the Syrian Airlines office in Cairo to take down the photo of El Bashar El Assad and smashed it down.
Syrian revolution Cairo branch
The young Egyptian tells the employees he should not hang the photo of a children’s murderer in our country. 
The library of Alexandria’s The Modern Egypt center has released from couple of days ago a very rare collection from documents and photos from late President Nasser’s visit to Deir ez Zor in February 1960. I think this is a symbolic message especially that his visit to Syria in 1960 including Hama , Aleppo and Latakia along with Daraa and Homs. Here is a transcript for Nasser’s speech on February 16,1960 in Deir ez Zor , here is another speech’s transcript from Deir ez Zor’s visit.

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