
Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Syrian revolution : The Massacres of Hula and Deir Ez Zor “Extremely Graphic 18+”

Despite Syrian Arab army has not yet left Hama , it started a new terrible massacre in the city of Hula in Homs and another massacre in Deir Ez Zor.Three massacres on the same day !! I thought I have seen every graphic seen in the book thanks to the bastards who used to rule Egypt , Yemen, Libya and Tunisia but I have been mistaken !!
The attack on the city of Al Hula in Homs started I early morning , there are terrible video clips showing the massacre that took place after the break. They are extremely graphic. I do not know what kind of ammunitions those bastards are using their own people.
Al Hula Massacre : Human remains in Hula
Al Hula Massacre : Another victim
Al Hula Massacre : Another victim
The attack on Deir Ez Zor started in the early morning today. Not less 42 civilians have been killed including a 60 days old baby girl.
Deir ez Zor : Injured
The people of Hama tried to escape to Aleppo but the security forces and the El Assad supporters blocked the way to Aleppo. The people of Aleppo apologized to the people of Hama online through social media on what happened. The telecommunications are back gradually to the city.
Here is an extremely graphic video from a morgue in some hospital allegedly in Hama.
Hama : From the morgue “extremely graphic”
I do not know really what kind of ammunition those bastards are using , some activists are saying that the security forces are using flechette bombs, I will not be be surprised. The use of flechette has been recorded in Syria since May July 2011 in several protests across the country.
There was an attack on the city of Idlib yesterday night as well when protesters took the street after the Taraweeh’s prayers.
Idlib : An injured protester “Graphic”
The Norias of Hama full of blood 
Now Deir Ez Zor is two steps away from Turkey and up till now we have not heard anything from the Neo-Ottomans after the warning of Erdogan to Bashar El Assad if you remember it. “He warned him of repeating Hama Massacre again , well guess what Turk he is doing Hama over and over !!”
I want to understand why Erdogan is silent on the Hama 2 massacres taken place in Syria !? Were these threat part of the parliamentary elections campaign !
Speaking of elections Syrian FM announced to the world that Syria is going to have a free election by the end of the year !! May be free from Syrian civilians. US and EU consider new sanction on Syria while UN is furious.
At League of Arab States “LAS” has spoken !! Nabil Al Araby condemned in an official statement the attack on the civilians and asked the Syrian regime to cease its operation against Syrian civilians immediately and to start its reforms !!Actually we are in the reforms phase in Syria officially !!!” Unfortunately this is so belated statement that was issued after the GCC’s statement. Nabil Al Araby is in extremely very bad position now.
It is worth to mention that Hamdeen Sabhi , the potential presidential candidate condemned in his twitter account the attack on the Syrian people.
The Syrian Arab army is no longer deserves to be associated with Syria from near or far. Every day I see couple of officers announce that they have defected and no longer serve the El Assad which is good but not that great considering that the majority of the Syrian Arab army is still with El Assad and will turn against that bloody dynasty due to political and religious minority issues.
There is some Iranian envoy , A VIP coming to Cairo for the first time since very long time and I hope that SCAF will be wise enough to tell him that Egypt does not accept what is taking place in Syria. We will not forgive Iran for supporting murder of Syrian brothers and sisters.
FYI no one and I mean no one even in Syria will accept a direct NATO intervention like in Libya , Syria is not Libya. Somebody has to press on
Live Updates :
@7:33 PM CLT : Currently the Syrian towns and cities are back in protesting like in Idlib that has got its share martyrs and Qamishlo. Turkey announced it that it intercepted an Iranian ship with weapons heading to Syria , it seems that the honeymoon between Ankara and Tehran is over.
@8:03 PM CLT : The Kuwaiti ambassador in Syria has resigned. The Syrian army has continued once again its attack , its shelling in the city of Deir ez Zor. The Syrian army along with the Shabiha have destroyed the water reservoirs and electric transforms in certain residential areas. 
The death toll has increased so far in Deir ez Zor in to 80 while the injured are hundreds. There are currently peaceful protests in Damascus as well as Hama in solidarity with Deir ez Zor. The phone landlines are operating once again in Hama and people are speaking about autocracies. 
Here is an old man who was shot yesterday in Deir ez Zor in his head. Snipers are there as it seems
And now there is a young man shot also in his head.

The Syrian Arab army has to be disbanded
@10:54 PM CLT Al Arabiya Saudi Channel has just announced that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia will address the Syrian people soon tonight. It is late at night and it is huge thing without doubt. When I remember it , no Arab leader spoke to another Arab people except Mubarak in 1990 with his speeches to the Iraqis which actually Egyptians heard more than the Iraqi and Qaddafi's speech to the Egyptian people on last July 23rd,2011 "I missed it with all what happened then"
@11:01 PM CLT The king speech is actually a statement
@12:08 PM CLT I am jealous , sad and angry that Egypt has not issued that statement like that , short and clear to the point. 
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia said the following in his statement : 

  • What is happening in Syria is unacceptable to Saudi Arabia 
  • The Syrian regime has either to act wisely or to fall in chaos. 
  • Saudi Arabia demands the Syrian regime to cease the death regime. 
  • Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador from Syria to negotiations or in other words KSA has withdrawn its ambassador from Syria. 
The statement was not addressed to the Syrian regime but rather to the Syrian people , to the Syria of Arab nationalism and to Syria of Islam 
I do not understand why we did not issue a statement like that. 

1 comment:

  1. How much media in Egypt, especially that media which is available also in Syria has coverage on the issue?

    Arab media can turn off the support of Bashar (and Maher!) Assad and that is the end of their rule.


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