
Monday, August 8, 2011

Syrian Revolution : #RamadanMassacre Day 8 "Updated"

Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador from Damascus yesterday and in the morning the GCC announced that it will have an urgent summit to discuss the situation in Syria.
Hours later it was announced that Kuwait also recalled its ambassador from Damascus officially. Bahraini FM Khalid Khalifa announced that Bahrain has officially recalled its ambassador from Damascus as well.
Now we got 4 GCC countries recalling their ambassadors from Damascus : Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Kuwait and Bahrain. I think we should expect UAE and Oman to follow their path soon.
Regarding Egypt , well we are sending a new ambassador to Syria !!!!! Oh yes and the new ambassador Dr. Mohamed Mostafa Kamal has visited Pope Shnouda III before travelling to Syria !!!!!  Nevertheless the Sheikh of Al Azhar issued a strong statement about Syria demanding the blood bath to stop.
The Azhar has been following the matter with a lot of patience what was taking place in Syria considering the sentisivity of the situation but it can’t be silent anymore , it is the right of the Syrian people that Al Azhar speaks and says that it is too over
Of course I wish that this statement was wished before the statements from the Gulf , yet I am happy that Al Azhar began to restore its role day by day and I am happy that some institution in my country issues such statement.There is a debate now whether Egypt should recall its ambassador or not , some are saying that we should not recall our ambassador because he can be a channel to negotiate with the Syrian regime and that Washington has not recalled its ambassador yet , well it is a good point but the ambassador of Egypt will negotiate on behalf of whom if Egypt seems to be involved in its internal matter and its SCAF , seems really interim rulers when it comes to regional policies.
Of course Mubarak did not recall the ambassador of Egypt when he had bad times with Hafez El Assad or his son.
The Egyptian Social Democratic party has demanded SCAF to withdraw our ambassador from Damascus.
The Malaysian government is thinking of recalling its ambassador as well.

Update : 
Despite the intimidation , despite the random arrests and despite the mass murder taking place across the country the Syrians are continuing to protest in several cities , towns and even villages.
There are reportedly protests in Kaswa, Homs, Hauran, Damascus and even in Deir ez Zor.
Today morning we found Anonymous had hacked the official website of the Syrian Defense ministry. 
Here is the screen capture for the website
A screen cap for the website after it was hacked
Here is another screen capture for the Website listed in Google search after being hacked.

Bashar El Assad has replaced his minister of defense and appointed a new minister General Daoud Rjiha who used to be his chief of staff. His former minister of defense Ali Habib Mahmoud was on the EU travel ban list. There was a rumor that took the social media by storm that the minister of defense was found murdered in his house in Damascus !!!! Well it is a rumor and actually the only prominent Syrian who was killed is actually the brother of famous opposition icon Haitham El Mana'a at a funeral  by the regime thugs "The Shabiha"
Here is a video showing late Ma'an El Mana'a May Allah bless his soul "graphic".

There is fear that means the relatives of political dissidents are going to be hunt down like that.
That video from earlier today was shot in the city of Daraa where you can see how the security forces opened their fires against mourners in a funeral

That video below was shot yesterday in one of the houses in Hama , you can see the traces of the tanks' shelling crystal clear.

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