
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The apartheid wall of Giza

Suddenly with no previous announcement or introduction we found some ugly wall built on El Gamaa bridge in front the building where the Israeli embassy is.
We do not know why this stupid wall has been built especially that the we can clearly see the Israeli embassy , is it to stop protests and protesters !? Well unlike it will as it already has provoked many Egyptians and there are already online events like “demolish the wall” , “Bring your hammer with you” calling Egyptians to demolish the wall with their hammers in the Weekend and to “post the photos of the Israeli massacres in Palestine on the wall
Anyhow whoever decided to have this stupid wall , thought it would be a good idea to paint it with Red, White and Black aka the colors of our flag with the words “Egypt is above all !!” sending the most mixed up messages ever. May be the government and SCAF began to understand the idea of the Graffiti stencils and artists and decided not to give them a chance but what you know those boys and girls did not give a damn. Here are photos taken earlier today by Maggie Osama.

I have a suggestion to our stencils artists , why not to post the photos of late Saad El Din El Shazaly and Ibrahim El Rafai along late martyr police officer Ahmed Jalal and other martyr officers and soldiers killed by Israeli fires on borders. 
El Rafai 
El Shazaly
Late Ahmed Jalal 

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