
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Camel Battle Trial : The big names behind bars "Live updated"

Today is the first session of the battle trial as well , not less than 25 defendants will stand behind the bars in front of the cameras among them men whom our only hope from one year ago was that they would only die but what you know God is merciful and generous.
At the same time we have the Mubarak’s trial , we are also having the camel battle trial. The big names behind bars today are Safwat El Sherif and Fathi Sorror , yes El Sherif behind bars !!
By the way Ahmed Ezz appeared on TV behind bars too in his trial but we did not pay attention to him as it was held during the Mubarak trial saga last week. I saw a clip of it on TV and Ezz was as usual stubborn , confident and spoke more than any defendant behind bars.

11:45 AM

The trial has started , the prosecution is strong and firm as the judge who could not tolerate Mortada Mansour’s monkey business. 25 defendants are in the cage above them Safwat El Sherif , Fathi Sorror and Aisha Abdel Hady.  Ahmed Mortada Mansour has no showed up.
Aisha Abdel Hady
The prosecution is this case is much better than the Mubarak’s case.
There were clashes between the Sorror supporters and the families of camel battle’s victims. The families of victims tried to attack Mohamed Abu El Anin. There were also problems in the entrance due to the huge number of lawyers , defendants’ lawyers as well as journalists.

12:02 PM
The 25 defendant denied the charges , Judge Ahmed Sabroot is giving Mortada Mansour a hard time , he is not giving him a chance to do his Mortada’s show.

1:44 PM 

The Judge has suspended the trial. Mortada Mansour spoke for 10 minutes presenting a preview for the big show he is going to present during the hearings. He demanded the testimonies of lawyers Amir Salem and Najad El Borai. 
Motada Mansour behind bars " Abdel Rahman Emad"
Judge Mustafa Hassan Abdullah is wining more and more popularity and even people wonder if he should be the judge of the Mubarak's trial instead of Ahmed Rafeat. 
The Egyptian TV has posted on its Youtube Channel the first part of the first session. 

The victims' lawyers are saying that they were not let in and they filed a complain to Judge Abdullah. 
2:38 PM 
The session is back and the judge has banned the TV broadcast of the trial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The judge has suspended the session so the cameras would get out of the court room.
6:38 PM 
The trial has been adjourned to September 12th, 2011 to review prosecution evidence. The trial will also continue also on September 13th and 14th. 
Here is a video showing Fathi Sorror eating something during the trial today.

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