
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mubarak trial : Is he going or not going ?

It is now 10 : 35 PM Cairo local time and there is one question many are asking : Is Field Marshal Tantawy going to testify tomorrow in front of Judge Ahmed Rafeat in the shooting of the protesters case ?
There are rumors , yes rumors that he may not go tomorrow because of the security issues and at the same time there are rumors that he will go in one of the most anticipated moments in that trial , in fact in the third wave of the Egyptian revolution. Al Jazeera claimed that he will not come and the trial will be adjourned while former Lt. General Kato “who once attacked Dina Abdel Rahman and Naglaa Badir” claimed that Tantawy is going to testify tomorrow.
Of course if he does not show up for so-called security reasons issues , this will increase the suspicion about the involvement of SCAF in the Friday’s events. If he does not show up , the people of Egypt will understand that he does not want to take to stand to say the truth about his boss Mubarak. Today
Next Monday General Sami Anan will take the stand as well.
Tantawy and Anan
A word of truth to make history
Of course we do not expect much from Omar Soliman’s testimony because Soliman will maintain his story that foreign elements killed the protesters !! 
"Can you handle the truth ?" in Tantawy's hearing
by Rami Mohsen
Here is a message from a simple Upper Egyptian man from Kom Ombo, Aswan to Tantawy about his testimony tomorrow , either Tantawy says the truth or Aswan’s Upper Egyptians and Nubians will
9/9 : Say the truth Tantawy
By the supporters of Mubarak are not going to the trial tomorrow.


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  2. @Zeinobia, I often disagree with you but you have been doing wonderful blogging lately.


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