
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mubarak’s trial : Omar Soliman in Da Court !!

Former Vice President Omar Soliman has finished testifying in the Mubarak’s trial at New Cairo. Soliman testified in a secret session , it is the seventh session according to the fact that Anan’s session along with Tantawy’s were adjourned to 25th and 24th of September.
Mubarak’s supporters claim that Soliman testimony was in favor of Mubarak which would be realistic. Of course if Soliman testifies in favor of Mubarak he can say bye bye to the presidential race.
We will see.
According to a survey held by the cabinet 67% of the voters support the Mubarak’s trial while 13% are against it and 20% of the voters abstained. In another survey 69% of the voters criticized the slowness of the  trials.
There have been clashes between the Mubarak supporters who suddenly reappeared again and the families of the martyrs.
We are waiting for leaks already , trusted leaks before anything.
The session is suspended when it is back , Soliman will be asked by lawyers after the recess.
Now tweep Donia Abaza claims to have SMS from the trial which is some how strange considering the fact that there are extremely security measures.
Allegedly Soliman was asked if the police and CSF had orders to shoot down protesters and the former spy chief answered according to his knowledge the security forces did not have orders
He was also allegedly asked if the GIS had any information if the security forces assigned to protect the protests were supplied with live ammunition and he allegedly answer that GIS has no information because it is from its job !!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a rumor that Soliman claimed that Tantawy supplied the CSF with live ammunition after the refusal of the army to attack the protesters
If he truly said this , I can expect that Tantawy and Anan will testify against him and Mubarak.
Anyhow Mohamed Abdel Aziz , the lawyer who attended the session tweeted in the recess that Soliman was not a prosecution witness or defendant witness. I am not also surprised.

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