
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sleepless night in Cairo : The Revenge of the CSF

Another sleepless night in Cairo just hours before the 4th session of Mubarak’s trial on Wednesday and 48 hours from the first million man protest in Tahrir after Ramadan aka 9/9.
There is on going war between Ahly football fans from Ultras members aka UA and the center security forces aka CSF. According to official ministry of health not less 130 have been injured including 67 police officer and soldier. These are the latest official numbers , the unofficial numbers speak about large civilian casualties, many football fans and Ultras members are afraid to go to hospital for fear they were arrested.
Now how all this started !? Well during the football match between Ahly sports club and KIMA Aswan “first time to hear about it” , the Ultras members began to chant anti-Mubarak and El Adly chants to tease the CSF as usual and like in every game then by the end of the game as soon as it was over the lights of the Cairo stadium in Nasr City were turned off and the CSF attack started. 
Now according to eye witnesses from those who attended the game the CSF attacked the Ultras and Ahly fans from inside the stadium. There is no excuse what so ever to use force against civilian because of chants especially this is not the first time these chants are sang.
Here is a video showing the Ulras members chanting their anti El Adly chants. ‘bad language’
Cairo Stadium : F*uck your El Adly
Anyhow the chase started between CSF and Ultras members through Salah Salem road. The CSF allegedly smashed cars in the street while the Ultras members torched not less than 12 police vehicles. For hours the street was blocked “I think till now” 
The story will not end peacefully because again the military police went to Nasr City and arrested along the police a group of young football fans , so we got another round of civilians in front of military trials accused of “Attacking security men !!” UA members online speak about not less than 200 including Karim Cabo or Karim Adel who is like a leading figure in the Ultras Ahly was beaten and arrested.You should know we are speaking about boys , young boys who are younger than 16 years old against police death machine full of hate !!
Cabo arrested and beaten by CSF 
The story will not end peacefully because now we got one football fan hit by a car during the clashes , some say that he was hit by a police car while others say that he was hit by a private car.
I think our main demand on 9/9 is the resignation of the minister of interior and purging the ministry of interior as it should. The UA announced they will participate in the million man protest in Tahrir.
The more we proceed in Mubarak’s trial , the more we will see more and more of these clashes.  By the way both Ahly and Zamalak Ultras groups “UA” and “UWK” are going to attend Mubarak’s trial in the morning to protect the families of the martyrs.
I am worried , I will not deny it.


  1. As long as the Police maintain the same good old theory of management by fear things will only get worse. Egyptians are fed up with their evil practices and stupidity. I admit things will get worse but until real change takes place I guess it has to in order to get better.

  2. Great job as usual,Z bringing us this important story so quickly. Thank you.

  3. Hello guy!

    nice nice blog. i realy appreciated it!

    so my husband is egyptian and i am brazilian but we live in dubai.

    i wanted to follow your blog but i did not find the gadget to make it... can you add it, please! lol

    nice posts btw.

    i wish you good future.


  4. thank you Z, this is really horrible. nothing changed in Egypt even after revolution the police or CSF are still acting like thugs against its own people and they are still loyal to corrupted mubarak!!


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