
Monday, September 19, 2011

Unhappy Yemen : Saleh’s killing machine is on !! "Extremely Graphic6+18"

@10:44 AM CLT

Explosions and heavy gunfire are heard in Sana’a. The security forces following Saleh opened its fire at 9.30 near the Change square. Not less than 6 have been reportedly killed and 20 injured so far by snipers. Snipers are allegedly located near KFC roundabout.
One of the martyrs today is allegedly a 10 months baby who was killed by a sniper while he was being carried by his mom in his father’s car !!
The security forces in Taiz opened its fire against the protesters who were having rallies in solidarity with Sana’a after what happened there yesterday.
Today is the #SupportYemen Hashtag day on Twitter.

@11:39 AM CLT

There is reportedly on going street war now in Sanaa between the republican guards "Pro-Saleh" and the 1st armored brigade "Pro Revolution". The Clashes are centralized at the Zubairy street in Sana'a , from what I understand , this street got a military supplies store yet fortunately it fall in the hands of the "Pro Revolution" troops.
There is an increased number of casualties ,  the field hospital in the Change square demands help. The National security forces "Pro-Saleh"occupied a hospital in the area called the "Republican Hospital" and their snipers are shooting the protesters from its rooftops.
A UN delegation has arrived to the country in the hope to search for a solution

@11:59 AM CLT

Here is a graphic photo for the youngest martyr of the day , the 10 months baby killed near KFC roundabout by the snipers.
The Youngest martyr so far in Sana'a

@12:49 PM CLT

News that the Change square is being bombed , it is unconfirmed though despite there are rumors that the Pro-Ali Abdullah Saleh air forces are bombing the the pro-Revolution forces. The shelling sounds are being heard all over the city.
The death toll has increased to not less than 21 martyrs including 3 children , the youngest is 10 months old while the oldest is 10 years old !!
Saleh wants it a civil war !!
Here is a video showing the youngest martyr of the day , the 10 months old baby who was shot by snipers in Sanaa earlier this morning. "Extremely graphic"
His name is Anas Mohamed and he was shot while he was in the arms of his older brother.
Here is a direct live Stream from the field hospital in Change Square , Sana from Al Suhail TV Channel.
Protesters were shot down by security forces in Taiz this morning , you can see horrible photos coming from there , extremely graphic and horrible !!!!
Here is also a photo gallery for the injured in Taiz.
An injured in Taiz today

@1:15 PM CLT

Here is a video from KFC roundabout earlier today.
There are protests today in Ibb as well as in Dhala, here is a video from Ibb's protest today.

@2:42 PM CLT

The photos and footage are coming from Sana'a and they are just horrible. It is an official war zone for God sake !!
Here is an extremely graphic photo gallery on Facebook showing the bodies all over the street in Sana'a , the remains of the bodies to be accurate !! "Extremely graphic"
Dead bodies all over the street
The videos are even more horrible than ever. Warning : Graphic content
The final moments of a young man in hospital "Graphic +18"
The following video is even more worse  "Extremely Graphic : +18"
The field hospital in the Change square will hold a press conference at 3:30 PM Sana'a Local time.
More shocking photos from Sana'a
I believe the death toll so far is more than 20.
Yemen Mobile Network is reportedly down currently in Sana'a a.

@5:35 PM CLT

Al Hurra TV Cameraman Hassan Al Waddah was killed by gunfire bullet on his face in Sana’s from Short awhile ago. He is the second Arab TV cameraman to die or rather to be killed by dictatorship forces after Al Jazeera Cameraman in Libya.
May Allah bless his soul.
Here is a video showing the doctors while they were trying to save him "Graphic"

The electricity is back once again in Sana’a after 24 of blockage in Sana’a.
A series of large explosions , the death toll and injured are more than we can imagine currently.
There are news reports that the Sana'a airport has been closed and the flights are being directed to Aden airport.
Al Islah party "Reform party" was shelled by RPG , not less than 3 have been killed and tens are reportedly injured.
The American embassy in Sana'a issued a statement about what it referred to as the violence against the protesters. 

@6:00 PM CLT

The RPG missiles are being fired at protesters in the Ring Roundabout in Sana'a. 
Here is a video showing how the security forces attacked the protesters in Taiz earlier today. 

Here is a video from a hospital in Sana'a "Graphic"
Here is another video for the martyrs for today's massacre so far. 
You must know that most hospitals in Sana'a are blocked by Saleh's thugs according to tweeps from Sana'a except 4 hospitals with 14 operating rooms. The doctors are doing their best but they are losing people. 
It seems that there is a camp following the Pro-Saleh troops that fall in the hands of the Pro-revolution tribes near the airport in Sana'a and this is why the airport was closed. 
The name of Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh is repeated by Yemenis online today as the man behind this massacre.

@6:35 PM CLT

The field hospital in the Change square calls everybody to donate blood at the Science and technology university ASAP. 
People have lost counting when it comes to the dead and injured , the numbers can be huge by mid nigh. 
Here is an extremely graphic video for a young man called Waseem Seif Mohamed Ahmed , who was shot in his head by one of the snipers. Thank God Waseem is alive till this moment at the ICU. "Extremely graphic"

Here is another video for late cameraman Hassan Waddah in the hospital 

@7:42 PM CLT

A meeting in Sana'a between the UN envoy and the US, EU , KSA ambassadors at the UAE embassy. 
Today there was also that interesting , so interesting meeting between the Saudi King Abdullah and none other than ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh. 
This meeting and this photo got a lot of meanings. 

@8:42 PM CLT

More shocking photos from Sanaa."Warning"
No comment !!
A victim of sniper in Sana'a today. 
The Shelling has stopped from an hour ago in the city but the military jets are still flying over the pro-Revolution army units areas. 
According to Al Arabiya not less than 31 Yemeni were killed today.

@10:29 PM CLT

According to official reports 50 have been killed so far in the clashes so far. There is a cease fire currently. 
The Pro- Ali Abdel Saleh forces launched a rocket attack against El Eman university with two missiles , one of them fell at a mosque to kill one and injure dozens. 
The Sana'a airport is re-opened once again.  

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